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Dina Perbellini is a Actor Italienne born on 14 january 1901

Dina Perbellini

Dina Perbellini
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Nationality Italie
Birth 14 january 1901
Death 2 april 1984 (at 83 years) at Rome (Italie)

Dina Perbellini (1901–1984) was an Italian actress. She appeared in over sixty films and television series between 1934 and 1969 and was also a leading voice actress, dubbing foreign films for release in Italy. She made her film debut in the 1934 school comedy Seconda B.

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Filmography of Dina Perbellini (28 films)

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Totò, Peppino and... the Sweet Life, 1h27
Directed by Sergio Corbucci
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Themes Buddy films
Actors Totò, Peppino De Filippo, Mara Berni, Francesco Mulé, Rosalba Neri, Antonio Pierfederici
Rating65% 3.2545153.2545153.2545153.2545153.254515
Antonio Barbacane is sent by his wealthy grandfather to Rome for trying to corrupt politicians to shift the route of a motorway on their town so to increase the land values. He, instead of accomplishing his mission, indulges in the pleasures of the city. his cousin Peppino, the municipal secretary of the town, a moralist and upright man to the point to remove the posters of the film La dolce vita, is sent there to control the Barbicane's work.
La cambiale, 1h45
Directed by Camillo Mastrocinque
Genres Comedy
Actors Totò, Peppino De Filippo, Ugo Tognazzi, Vittorio Gassman, Erminio Macario, Aroldo Tieri
Rating65% 3.2812353.2812353.2812353.2812353.281235
The well-known financier Commendatore Pierluigi Bruscatelli (Aroldo Tieri) after paying a bill with two swindlers, cousins Posalaquaglia (Totò and Peppino De Filippo), is arrested. In prison cellmate tells the whole theory on promissory notes, a theory which explains the episodes of the film.
Husbands in the City, 1h35
Directed by Luigi Comencini
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Themes Films about sexuality
Actors Nino Taranto, Renato Salvatori, Dolores Palumbo, Memmo Carotenuto, Giorgia Moll, Dina Perbellini
Roles Mother-in-law
Rating63% 3.1796553.1796553.1796553.1796553.179655
A Rome, chaque année, au mois d’août, les épouses partent sur la Côte en vacances pendant que leurs maris respectifs restent à la maison pour travailler. C’est une période bénie pour ces hommes en quête d’aventures sentimentales. Sans leurs femmes pour les surveiller, ils s’éveillent à la séduction.
Il prezzo della gloria, 1h30
Directed by Antonio Musu
Genres Drama, War
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Political films
Actors Gabriele Ferzetti, Eleonora Rossi Drago, Dina Perbellini, Pierre Cressoy, Nino Marchetti, Anita Durante
Roles Aunt Dora

Septembre 1941. Le contre-torpilleur italien « Sparviero » reçoit pour mission de transporter de l'essence en Afrique. À peine vient-il de quitter le port de Spezia, qu’il est torpillé par un sous-marin anglais. L'équipage effectue les réparations nécessaires et le navire reprend sa route. Mais il subit une nouvelle attaque, aérienne cette fois. Puis une autre…
Time of Vacation
Directed by Antonio Racioppi
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Vittorio De Sica, Giovanna Ralli, Memmo Carotenuto, Nino Manfredi, Abbe Lane, Armenia Balducci
Roles La signora Adele
Rating64% 3.21463.21463.21463.21463.2146
Dans la périphérie de la ville de Rome se trouve un petit village devenu station touristique. Dans l'hôtel qui vient d'ouvrir, de nombreuses histoires se tissent entre les différents protagonistes de passage ou travaillant dans ce lieu.
The Slave of Sin, 1h40
Directed by Silvio Amadio
Genres Drama
Actors Marcello Mastroianni, Olinto Cristina, Camillo Pilotto, Irene Genna, Franco Fabrizi, Paul Müller
Roles Miss Cesira
Rating64% 3.2260553.2260553.2260553.2260553.226055
Des décombres d'une terrible catastrophe ferroviaire émergent seulement deux survivantes : une petite polonaise qui a perdu ses parents dans l'accident, et la prostituée qui l'a sauvée, Mara Gualtieri. Désormais seule au monde, la fillette va s'attacher à Mara, qui pour sa part voudrait bien l'adopter, d'autant qu'elle lui rappelle sa propre fille morte en bas-âge. Hélas ! Son activité le lui interdit. Les autorités placent donc la fillette dans un orphelinat. Résolue à la reprendre, Mara décide de s'amender et de tourner le dos à cette vie de débauche. Elle quitte ses « quartiers » et parvient à trouver un humble mais honnête travail dans une manufacture de briques.
The Overcoat, 1h35
Directed by Alberto Lattuada
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Fantasy
Themes Ghost films
Actors Renato Rascel, Yvonne Sanson, Antonella Lualdi, Nino Marchetti, Ettore Mattia, Silvio Bagolini
Rating75% 3.775013.775013.775013.775013.77501
The story of a very poor city-hall clerk (Renato Rascel) whose only desire is to own a new overcoat.
Vacation with a Gangster
Directed by Dino Risi
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Adventure
Actors Marc Lawrence, Terence Hill, Lamberto Maggiorani, Bianca Doria, Bud Spencer, Silvio Bagolini
Rating67% 3.360093.360093.360093.360093.36009
Des enfants trouvent le message d'un prisonnier enfermé injustement. Il prenne alors la décision de le faire évader...
He Who Is Without Sin..., 1h40
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romance
Actors Gino Buzzanca, Sophia Loren, Kim Novak, Yvonne Sanson, John Wayne, Françoise Rosay
Roles La madre superiora
Rating60% 3.0014753.0014753.0014753.0014753.001475
Stefano Brunod tombe amoureux de Maria Nermoz, une jolie mercière, d'un village de haute montagne.
Anna (1951)
, 1h47
Directed by Alberto Lattuada
Origin France
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Silvana Mangano, Gaby Morlay, Raf Vallone, Jacques Dumesnil, Vittorio Gassman, Bianca Doria
Rating65% 3.298733.298733.298733.298733.29873
A man (Vallone) suffers a car accident. He's taken to hospital, where Sister Anna (Mangano) takes care of him. The man is the reason Anna became a nun. She remembers the days she was leading a life of sin as a night club singer.