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Douglas Heyes is a Director and Scriptwriter American born on 22 may 1919 at Los Angeles (USA)

Douglas Heyes

Douglas Heyes
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Nationality USA
Birth 22 may 1919 at Los Angeles (USA)
Death 8 february 1993 (at 73 years) at Beverly Hills (USA)

Douglas Heyes (1919-1993) était un scénariste, réalisateur et producteur américain, aussi connu sous le pseudonyme de Matthew Howard.

Douglas Heyes naît le 22 mai 1919 à Los Angeles. Il participe à la seconde guerre mondiale et commence ensuite sa carrière dans le cinéma et la télévision en 1953. Il est principalement connu pour être le scénariste de Destination Zebra, station polaire et le créateur et producteur de la série télévisée La côte sauvage. Il a également réalisé plusieurs épisodes des séries télévisées La Quatrième Dimension (comme le remarquable Neuvième étage) et Thriller.

Il meurt le 8 février 1993 à Beverly Hills d'une crise cardiaque.

Usually with

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Filmography of Douglas Heyes (7 films)

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Beau Geste
Beau Geste (1966)
, 1h43
Directed by Joseph Kane, Douglas Heyes
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Action
Actors Guy Stockwell, Doug McClure, Leslie Nielsen, Telly Savalas, Robert Wolders, Michael Constantine
Rating60% 3.0492353.0492353.0492353.0492353.049235
A column of the French Foreign Legion arrives at the remote Fort Zinderneuf, having been assigned to relieve the legionnaires who had been defending the fort. Upon their arrival, they find that the fort has been ravaged by Tuareg attacks and American Beau Graves (Guy Stockwell) is the only survivor. After his badly injured arm is amputated, he is asked what has happened and his story is revealed in flashback.
Kitten with a Whip, 1h22
Directed by Douglas Heyes
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Crime
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films
Actors Ann-Margret, John Forsythe, Peter Brown, Patricia Barry, Richard Anderson, Ann Doran
Rating52% 2.6042452.6042452.6042452.6042452.604245
The wife of politician David Stratton (John Forsythe) is away in San Francisco, visiting relatives there. Stratton comes home one night but not to an empty house—a young woman, Jody (Ann-Margret), is waiting inside.


The Groundstar Conspiracy, 1h43
Directed by Lamont Johnson
Origin Canada
Genres Thriller, Action, Spy, Crime
Themes Spy films
Actors George Peppard, Michael Sarrazin, Christine Belford, Cliff Potts, James Olson, Tim O'Connor
Rating60% 3.0021153.0021153.0021153.0021153.002115
Employee John David Welles attempts to steal rocket booster plans from the Groundstar facility. His attempt goes awry and he is badly disfigured in an explosion and barely escapes. He stumbles to the home of Nicole Devon, and collapses. She calls an ambulance, the authorities are alerted, and soon Welles is operated on, given plastic surgery and interrogated by a gung-ho government official named Tuxan. But Welles claims to have no memory of his crime. In fact, he claims no memory of his life at all, save for brief glimpses of a woman and small boy frolicking on a beach.
Ice Station Zebra, 2h28
Directed by John Sturges
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Adventure, Spy
Themes Spy films, Seafaring films, Transport films, Underwater action films, Submarine films, Political films, Arme nucléaire
Actors Rock Hudson, Ernest Borgnine, Patrick McGoohan, Tony Bill, Lloyd Nolan, Alf Kjellin
Rating65% 3.2971253.2971253.2971253.2971253.297125
A satellite reenters the atmosphere and ejects a capsule which parachutes to the Arctic, coordinates 85N 21W (approx 320 miles WNW of Nord, Greenland, in the Arctic Ocean ice pack). During an ice storm, a figure soon approaches, guided by a homing beacon, while a second person secretly watches from nearby.
Beau Geste
Beau Geste (1966)
, 1h43
Directed by Joseph Kane, Douglas Heyes
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Action
Actors Guy Stockwell, Doug McClure, Leslie Nielsen, Telly Savalas, Robert Wolders, Michael Constantine
Rating60% 3.0492353.0492353.0492353.0492353.049235
A column of the French Foreign Legion arrives at the remote Fort Zinderneuf, having been assigned to relieve the legionnaires who had been defending the fort. Upon their arrival, they find that the fort has been ravaged by Tuareg attacks and American Beau Graves (Guy Stockwell) is the only survivor. After his badly injured arm is amputated, he is asked what has happened and his story is revealed in flashback.
Battle of Rogue River, 1h11
Directed by William Castle
Origin USA
Genres Western
Actors George Montgomery, Martha Hyer, Richard Denning, John Crawford, Emory Parnell, Lee Roberts
Rating55% 2.76092.76092.76092.76092.7609
In the Oregon Territory prior to the American Civil War, Chief Mike (Michael Granger) has fought the US Army and the white settlers to a standstill. As a result the post commander Major Wallach (Willis Bouchey) is replaced by Major Archer (Montgomery). On the way to the fort, Major Archer's troop of cavalry accompanied by two field guns spot an ambush by Chief Mike's Indians. Major Archer orders one of the guns to fire knocking down a tree and panicking the "braves" who suffer no casualties.
Drums of Tahiti, 1h13
Directed by William Castle
Origin USA
Genres Adventure
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Dennis O'Keefe, Patricia Medina, Francis L. Sullivan, George Keymas, Sylvia Lewis
Rating49% 2.49382.49382.49382.49382.4938
In 1877, Tahitians under the rule of aging Queen Pomare (Frances Brandt) dislike their position as a French protectorate and quietly plan a new war with assistance from Britain.