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Gabriel Alw is a Actor Suédois born on 25 december 1889 at Eskilstuna (Suede)

Gabriel Alw

Gabriel Alw
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Nationality Suede
Birth 25 december 1889 at Eskilstuna (Suede)
Death 9 november 1946 (at 56 years) at Stockholm (Suede)

Gabriel Alw (25 December 1889 – 9 November 1946) was a Swedish film actor. He appeared in 37 films between 1915 and 1946.

Usually with

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Filmography of Gabriel Alw (7 films)

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The Nuthouse, 1h17
Directed by Hasse Ekman
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Hasse Ekman, Lars Hanson, Gunnar Sjöberg, Douglas Håge, Eva Henning, Åke Fridell
Roles A doctor
Rating46% 2.349982.349982.349982.349982.34998
During excavations in Stockholm in the year 2248 45,000 feet film from the 1940s by master director Hasse Ekman is found. The material is in disarray but the Society for Ancient Film Research compiles material that is believed to master his artistic intentions.
Two People
Two People (1945)

Directed by Carl Theodor Dreyer
Genres Drama
Actors Georg Rydeberg, Stig Olin, Wanda Rothgardt, Gabriel Alw
Roles Prof. Sander
Rating64% 3.2423253.2423253.2423253.2423253.242325
Un scientifique, accusé de plagiat, entend à la radio que son rival a été assassiné. Avec son épouse, il attend la police.
The Word
The Word (1943)
, 1h48
Directed by Gustaf Molander
Origin Suede
Genres Drama
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Victor Sjöström, Rune Lindström, Holger Löwenadler, Stig Olin, Wanda Rothgardt, Gunn Wållgren
Rating70% 3.521023.521023.521023.521023.52102
L'action se déroule au sein d'une famille de fermiers luthériens dans la province du Jutland (Danemark). Knut Borg, le patriarche, y règne en maître incontesté. L'un de ses fils, Johannes, devrait devenir pasteur. Lors d'un accident automobile, sa fiancée est mortellement atteinte et il tente de la ressusciter. En vain... Il bascule, depuis, dans une folie d'ordre mystique. Mais, plus tard, il parvient à faire renaître Inger, la femme de l'un de ses frères, morte durant l'accouchement d'un troisième enfant...
Changing Trains, 1h32
Directed by Hasse Ekman
Genres Drama
Actors Sonja Wigert, Hasse Ekman, Georg Rydeberg, Karin Kavli, Georg Funkquist, Ludde Gentzel
Roles Doctor
Rating59% 2.95572.95572.95572.95572.9557
Inga Dahl, an unemployed actress, and Joakim Lundell is a couple from times past, many years later by chance they happen to meet on a train station. They drink a cup of coffee together and in flashbacks we get to follow their love sagas beginning and end.
June Night
June Night (1940)
, 1h26
Origin Suede
Genres Drama
Actors Ingrid Bergman, Sigurd Wallén, Marianne Aminoff, Marianne Löfgren, Hasse Ekman, Gabriel Alw
Roles Professor Tillberg
Rating60% 3.047993.047993.047993.047993.04799
A woman, involved with a sailor, is shot by him after trying to leave him. She survives, but as a result of this incident the press portray her as a tramp. To escape the press, she moves from her small home town to the big city of Stockholm, where the press eventually catch up with her.
The Price of Betrayal, 40minutes
Directed by Victor Sjöström
Genres Drama
Actors Gabriel Alw, Egil Eide, Stina Berg, John Ekman
Rating66% 3.335493.335493.335493.335493.33549
Un chômeur lutte pour subvenir aux besoins de son fils et de son épouse, gravement malade. En braconnant avec un ami sur les terres du châtelain local, il tue accidentellement le garde-chasse. Pour sortir de cette situation désespérée, il va trahir son ami en le laissant accusé du meurtre.