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Jean Berger is a Actor French born on 18 november 1917 at Bordeaux (France)

Jean Berger

Jean Berger
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Birth name Jean Berger
Nationality France
Birth 18 november 1917 at Bordeaux (France)
Death 25 august 2014 (at 96 years)

Jean Berger est un acteur français né le 18 novembre 1917 à Bordeaux et mort le 25 août 2014 à Paris.


Important acteur de doublage, il fut surtout la voix française de Patrick Macnee (John Steed) dans la série télévisée Chapeau melon et bottes de cuir, ainsi que dans Dangereusement vôtre (Sir Godfrey Tibett).

Usually with

Teddy Bilis
Teddy Bilis
(5 films)
Fernand Fabre
Fernand Fabre
(4 films)
Milt Kahl
Milt Kahl
(4 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Jean Berger (29 films)

Display filmography as list


The Prince and the Pauper, 24minutes
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Mise en scène d'un rongeur, Mise en scène d'une souris, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Wayne Allwine, Bill Farmer, Tony Anselmo, Arthur Burghardt, Charles Adler, Frank Welker
Roles narrateur
Rating70% 3.5379353.5379353.5379353.5379353.537935
Dans un royaume, autrefois prospère et paisible, le roi tombe gravement malade alors que débute l'hiver, et il doit rester alité...
The Adolescent, 1h30
Directed by Jeanne Moreau, Rémy Duchemin, Jean Léon
Origin France
Genres Drama
Themes L'adolescence, Films about children
Actors Simone Signoret, Francis Huster, Edith Clever, Jacques Weber, Hugues Quester, Jean-François Balmer
Roles Le speaker de la radio (voix)
Rating62% 3.1396153.1396153.1396153.1396153.139615
This script must be run from the command line
One Can Say It Without Getting Angry, 1h31
Directed by Roger Coggio
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Actors Roger Coggio, Madeleine Robinson, Louisa Colpeyn, Adriana Innocenti, Jean Berger, François Lalande
Roles Père de Pauline
Rating56% 2.8253852.8253852.8253852.8253852.825385
Pauline a l'intention de mettre fin à ses jours et prépare méticuleusement son suicide, mais elle rencontre Peppo, immigré italien, qui va la faire changer d'avis.
Judith Therpauve, 2h5
Directed by Patrice Chéreau
Origin France
Genres Drama
Actors Simone Signoret, Philippe Léotard, François Simon, Netta Duchâteau, Marcel Imhoff, Daniel Lecourtois
Roles avocat Marc Loussier
Rating62% 3.1405353.1405353.1405353.1405353.140535
Therpauve Judith, who was "Queen" in the days of the Resistance is asked by his former friends, as she co-owners of the regional newspaper "The Free Republic" to take charge of the daily, is wrong. She quickly realizes that the poor financial health of the newspaper is orchestrated by a businessman who wants to buy it back at a low price. Judith manages to drive up sales, but unfair maneuvers succeed and forced to sell. Little support from his staff, feeling useless and alone, she commits suicide.
The Rescuers, 1h17
Directed by Art Stevens, Wolfgang Reitherman, Richard Rich, John Lounsbery
Origin USA
Genres Comedy-drama, Fantasy, Adventure, Musical, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about children, Politique, Film d'animation mettant en scène un animal, Musical films, Political films, Buddy films, Children's films
Actors Eva Gabor, Bob Newhart, Geraldine Page, Joe Flynn, Johnny Flynn, Robie Lester
Roles Présentateur TV
Rating68% 3.4478353.4478353.4478353.4478353.447835
In an abandoned river boat in Devil's Bayou, a young orphan named Penny drops a message in a bottle containing a plea for help into the river. The bottle washes up in New York City, where it is recovered by the Rescue Aid Society, an international mouse organization inside the United Nations. The Hungarian representative, Miss Bianca, volunteers to accept the case and chooses Bernard, a stammering janitor, as her co-agent. The two visit Morningside Orphanage, where Penny lived, and meet an old cat named Rufus. He tells them about a woman named Madame Medusa who once tried to lure Penny into her car and may have succeeded in abducting Penny this time.
Death of a Corrupt Man, 2h
Directed by Georges Lautner
Origin France
Genres Drama, Thriller, Crime
Actors Alain Delon, Stéphane Audran, Michel Aumont, Jean Bouise, Daniel Ceccaldi, François Chaumette
Roles Brumaire (non crédité)
Rating67% 3.3932353.3932353.3932353.3932353.393235
Le député Philippe Dubaye réveille son ami Xavier « Xav » Maréchal, et lui apprend qu'il vient de tuer Serrano, collègue du palais Bourbon. Ce dernier lui demandait de démissionner, sans quoi il révélait à la presse la corruption de Philippe Dubaye. Il avait comme preuve un cahier où il notait tous les actes de corruption d'un certain nombre de personnalités politiques. Philippe Dubaye, après avoir tué Serrano, prend le cahier pour le mettre à l'abri.
Le Jour de gloire, 1h34
Directed by Jacques Besnard
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Themes Military humor in film
Actors Jean Lefebvre, Pierre Tornade, Darry Cowl, Pierre Doris, Corinne Lahaye, Jacques Marin
Roles Le préfet
Rating53% 2.6881552.6881552.6881552.6881552.688155
1944, le petit village de Saint-Laurent (petit village gardois) est bouleversé le jour où des soldats allemands s'installent, bloqués dans leur retraite par la destruction d'un pont. Ils sont accueillis en héros à la suite d'une méprise du curé qui, myope comme une taupe, les avait pris pour des Américains.
Capone (1975)
, 1h41
Directed by Steve Carver
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Biography, Action, Crime
Themes Films about immigration, Mafia films, Seafaring films, Transport films, L'Outfit de Chicago, Gangster films
Actors Ben Gazzara, Harry Guardino, Susan Blakely, Sylvester Stallone, John Cassavetes, Frank Campanella
Roles Narrateur
Rating57% 2.8537952.8537952.8537952.8537952.853795
The story is of the rise and fall of the Chicago gangster Al Capone and the control he exhibited over the city during the prohibition years.
Thomas (1975)

Directed by Jean-François Dion
Origin France
Genres Drama
Actors Nicole Courcel, Michel Bouquet, Patrick Le Mauff, Christine Boisson, Laurence de Monaghan, Anne Jousset
Roles Pierre

Thomas, fils de bourgeois, vit, à Troyes, les derniers moments de son adolescence. Il est presque adulte lorsqu'il découvre que sa mère a un amant. Il réalise en même temps que son père ferme les yeux et que le couple déchiré n'est uni que pour la galerie. Thomas se révolte, mais il lui faut à la fois cacher son désarroi et satisfaire son grand besoin de tendresse.
The Black Wogs, Your Neighbors
Directed by Med Hondo
Origin France
Genres Drama
Actors Armand Abplanalp, Claude Debord, Jean Berger
Rating68% 3.4377653.4377653.4377653.4377653.437765
Vaste fresque sur les causes de l'immigration et sur la situation des immigrés, sous la forme d'un mélange de documents pris sur le vif et de sketches constitués de chansons et de dessins animés.
The Bitches, 1h35
Directed by Michel Lemoine
Origin France
Genres Drama, Erotic
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films
Actors Michel Lemoine, Nathalie Zeiger, Virginie Vignon, Marie-Hélène Règne, Jean Berger
Roles Le mari
Rating55% 2.77722.77722.77722.77722.7772
Apres avoir été éconduit par la maitresse des lieux et le garde-chasse, Eric, un aventurier solitaire, s'introduit clandestinement, de nuit, dans le manoir de Viviane et en fait sa maitresse.Ce qui provoque la jalousie de Lisbeth, la compagne de l'aristocratique dame. L'irruption de Teresa, la sœur de Viviane, va encore envenimer de situation du couple.
Money Money Money, 2h
Directed by Claude Lelouch
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Adventure
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Erotic thriller films
Actors Lino Ventura, Jacques Brel, Charles Denner, Aldo Maccione, Yves Robert, Nicole Courcel
Roles (uncredited)
Rating68% 3.4406653.4406653.4406653.4406653.440665
Five incorrigible crooks, frustrated by their disappointing career as bank robbers, decide to switch from bank heists to kidnapping European celebrities. Pretending to be terrorists, they kidnap their first hostage, singer Johnny Hallyday, and demand a huge sum of money to prevent further trouble. They receive their ransom money. They go on to kidnap other celebrities, and grow more successful with each kidnapping. Eventually they expand their targets and hijack planes, kidnap ambassadors, and even abduct the Pope.
Mauprat (1972)
, 3h
Origin France
Genres Drama
Actors Jacques Weber, Gilles Laurent, Karin Nicole Raphaëlle Petersen, Henri Virlogeux, Edmond Beauchamp, Henri Nassiet
Roles le président

La vie de Bernard de Mauprat de l'enfance à l'âge adulte, entre le Berry et Paris.
Tintin and the Lake of Sharks, 1h13
Origin France
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Monde imaginaire, Films about dogs, Tintin films, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Jacques Balutin, Georges Atlas, Claude Bertrand, Pierre Collet, Micheline Dax, Nadine Basile
Rating61% 3.099793.099793.099793.099793.09979
One night, in Brussels, Belgium, a pair of crooks discreetly break into the aquarium and steal a priceless pearl. As soon as the security guards on duty see the empty shell, they rush away to raise the alarm. The crooks take advantage of the guards' absence by putting a fake pearl, the same size as the real one, in the shell. When the guards return with the director and the director sees the fake pearl, he thinks the guards were making it up, but then has second thoughts about the incident as a similar case happened at another museum two weeks before.
Bedknobs and Broomsticks, 1h53
Directed by Robert Stevenson, Christopher Hibler, Arthur J. Vitarelli
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure, Musical, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about magic and magicians, Sports films, Transport films, Aviation films, Association football films, Witches in film, Musical films, Political films, Children's films
Actors Angela Lansbury, David Tomlinson, Cindy O'Callaghan, Roddy McDowall, Sam Jaffe, John Ericson
Roles le colonel Heller
Rating70% 3.50013.50013.50013.50013.5001
The three Rawlins children, Charlie, Carrie, and Paul are evacuated from London during The Blitz to the remote village of Pepperinge Eye. They are placed in the reluctant care of Miss Eglantine Price, a reclusive woman who agrees to the arrangement temporarily. The children attempt to run away back to London, but change their minds after observing Miss Price attempting to fly on a broomstick. Miss Price reveals she is learning witchcraft through a correspondence school with hopes of using her spells in the British war effort, and offers the children a transportation spell in exchange for their silence. Miss Price casts the spell on a knob that the youngest child, Paul, has removed from the bed in the children’s shared bedroom, and she adds that only Paul can activate the spell.