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Leo Bei is a Costume Design Autrichien born on 9 november 1918

Leo Bei

Leo Bei
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Nationality Austria
Birth 9 november 1918
Death 24 september 2005 (at 86 years)

Leo Albert Bei (né le 9 novembre 1918 à Vienne, mort le 24 septembre 2005 dans la même ville) est un costumier autrichien.

Il est le père du musicien Leo Bei.


Leo Bei est le fils du créateur de costumes Albert Bei qui travaille pendant quarante ans avec Gustav Ucicky. Ses parents fondent l'un des principaux ateliers de costumes à Vienne pendant la monarchie autrichienne. Leo Bei devient tailleur après des études de droit et vient au cinéma à la maison peu après la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et sous la direction de son père en 1947, il fait ses débuts dans Singende Engel d'Ucicky.

À partir du début des années 1950, Leo conçoit régulièrement des costumes pour des films autrichiens, plusieurs fois en collaboration avec le célèbre collègue Gerdago, avec lequel il a conçu un grand nombre de robes élaborées pour les films historiques et musicaux, comme la série Sissi.

Au début des années 1960, Bei travaille pour les productions américaines créées en Autriche par la Walt Disney Company. Après 1963, il se détourne souvent du cinéma et supervise techniquement les costumes. Il travaille seulement pour deux ambitieuses productions scéniques préparées pour la télévision, l'adaptation des opéras Fidelio et Carmen. Sur Fidelio, il collabore avec Leonard Bernstein. Sinon, il se consacre entièrement au théâtre : il est à la tête du secteur des costumes de l'entreprise Bundestheater et de 1977 à 1980, directeur des opérations et directeur adjoint du Burgtheater. En 1996, il reçoit la médaille de Filmarchiv Austria. Jusqu'en 2001, Bei est actif en tant que concepteur de costumes. Il conçoit en dernier des costumes pour Il campiello de Carlo Goldoni pour le Sommerspiele Perchtoldsdorf.

Best films

The Story of Vickie (1954)
(Costume Design)
Sissi: The Fateful Years of an Empress (1957)
(Costume Design)
Sissi (1955)
(Costume Design)
Sissi: The Young Empress (1956)
(Costume Design)

Usually with

Peter Weck
Peter Weck
(5 films)
Alfred Srp
Alfred Srp
(4 films)
Karl Ehrlich
Karl Ehrlich
(4 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Leo Bei (8 films)

Display filmography as list

Costume and makup

Emil and the Detectives, 1h39
Directed by Peter Tewksbury
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama, Action, Adventure, Crime
Themes Children's films
Actors Walter Slezak, Roger Mobley, Elsa Wagner, Peter Ehrlich, Wolfgang Völz, Franz Nicklisch
Roles Costume Design
Rating61% 3.051553.051553.051553.051553.05155
Pendant son voyage vers Berlin, le jeune Émile Tischbein se fait voler les 400 Deutsche marks qu'il devait apporter à sa grand-mère de la poche de sa veste. Il soupçonne immédiatement son voisin de siège M. Grundeis, connu dans le monde des truands sous le nom de « la Taupe ». Seul dans la grande ville, Emile commence sa filature. Il fait la connaissance de « Gustave au klaxon » un adolescent qui commande à une bande des enfants qui jouent aux détectives. Le petit groupe d'enfants reprend l'affaire et établit un plan de bataille. Ils récoltent les premiers indices, font le tour des hôtels et retrouvent enfin Grundeis qui s'est associé à deux gangsters pour planifier le casse d'une banque.
Almost Angels, 1h33
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Musical
Themes Films about education, Films about music and musicians, Films about classical music and musicians, Musical films, Children's films
Actors Vincent Winter, Peter Weck, Sean Scully, Hans Holt, Gunther Philipp, Elisabeth Stiepl
Roles Costume Design
Rating62% 3.149993.149993.149993.149993.14999
Tony Fiala (played by Vincent Winter) is a working-class boy whose greatest desire is to become a member of Vienna's most famous choir. His father, however, wants his son to follow in his own footsteps as an engine driver. Unlike his loving and supportive mother, he sees no future for the boy in music.
The Secret Ways, 1h52
Directed by Richard Widmark, Phil Karlson
Origin USA
Genres Thriller, Adventure, Spy
Themes Spy films, Political films
Actors Richard Widmark, Charles Régnier, Sonja Ziemann, Walter Rilla, Senta Berger, Howard Vernon
Roles Wardrobe Master
Rating61% 3.091883.091883.091883.091883.09188
In Vienna, 1956, after Soviet tanks crush the Hungarian uprising, American adventurer Michael Reynolds (Richard Widmark) is hired by an international espionage ring to smuggle a noted scholar and resistance leader, Professor Jansci (Walter Rilla), out of Communist-ruled Hungary during the Hungarian Revolution. Reynolds goes to Vienna to see the professor's daughter, Julia (Sonja Ziemann), and he persuades her to accompany him to Budapest. Once there, Reynolds is kidnapped by freedom fighters who take him to the professor's secret headquarters.
Sissi: The Fateful Years of an Empress, 1h46
Directed by Ernst Marischka
Origin Austria
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama, Historical, Romance
Themes Political films, Films about royalty
Actors Romy Schneider, Karlheinz Böhm, Magda Schneider, Gustav Knuth, Josef Meinrad, Uta Franz
Roles Costume Design
Rating66% 3.3135353.3135353.3135353.3135353.313535
The Austrian empress Elisabeth, nicknamed Sissi, enjoys travelling in Hungary. She welcomes the politically valuable friendship of Count Andrássy, but when he confesses he is in love with her, she returns to Vienna lest the relationship become too intimate. Her time in Hungary is only a temporary relief from the frustrations of court life in Vienna, where dutiful Franz Josef remains at his desk and allows his strict, domineering mother Sophie to interfere in the raising of his daughter with Sissi, Sophie. Sissi decides to return and meets Franz underway who was coming to Hungary to bring her back to Vienna. They decide to take a vacation in Bad Ischl but Sissi falls ill and is diagnosed with possibly fatal tuberculosis. On doctors' orders Franz Josef must allow his mother to remove his daughter from Sissi's keeping. In poor health, deprived of the company of husband and child, Sissi is in danger of losing the will to live as she travels to healthier climates on Madeira and Corfu. Desperately needed psychosomatic therapy appears in the form of her indestructibly positive mother Ludovika, who lovingly nurses Sissi's illness and restores her zest for life by taking her on idyllic walks. Once again Oberst Böckl, the clumsy body-guard whose doting admiration for the empress borders on the improper, provides a comical note, as he does in each part of the trilogy. Finally, Sissi recovers and rejoins her husband on an official visit to Milan and Venice, Austria's remaining possessions in northern Italy. Nationalists have prepared a hostile welcome for the Habsburg sovereigns; the Milanese nobility send their servants, dressed in noble clothing, to a royal command performance at La Scala, at which the orchestra play Verdi's chorus "Va pensiero," and the disguised servants in the audience sing it in protest against Austrian rule. There is a moment of comic relief when, after the opera, Franz Josef and Sissi receive the disguised servants at a formal reception, where the servants are presented to the imperial couple under the names of their aristocratic masters and mistresses. Sissi is aware that she is not meeting the true nobility, but when the real nobles realize their servants were introduced to the emperor and empress, they shriek in despair and panic at the idea that the imperial couple believe the awkward, common servants were really the aristocrats. In Venice, crowds stand in hostile silence at the couple's procession by royal barge on the Grand Canal and as they pass, Italian nationalist flags are defiantly unfurled from behind shuttered windows. But the emotional Italians melt when they witness the openly loving reunion between Sissi and her little daughter on St Mark's Square.
Sissi: The Young Empress, 1h47
Directed by Ernst Marischka
Origin Austria
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romance
Themes Political films, Films about royalty
Actors Romy Schneider, Karlheinz Böhm, Magda Schneider, Gustav Knuth, Josef Meinrad, Vilma Degischer
Roles Costume Design
Rating66% 3.3109553.3109553.3109553.3109553.310955
Sissi slowly adapts to life as empress of Austria, but her mother-in-law is hard to live with. Archduchess Sophie adheres to the long-established rules protocol and etiquette, and constantly interferes not only with the emperor's government of the empire but in his family life as well. When Sissi's first child is born, the Archduchess Sophie insists on taking away the child to raise her, because she feels Sissi is too young and unqualified to do so. Sophie also feels that Sissi's place is not in the nursery with her baby, but with her husband as the emperor travels around the empire. A scandal threatens to break out when Sissi leaves Vienna and returns to Bavaria to see her parents. She keeps the truth from her mother, but confesses to her father that she cannot live with Archduchess Sophie's constant criticism and tyranny. Franz Joseph follows her and finally convinces her to return to Vienna. This strengthens Sissi's influence with the emperor, and she supports Prince Gyula Andrássy and the cause of the Hungarians for equal standing in the Empire. The movie concludes with her being crowned Queen of the Hungarians in Budapest. (In fact the coronation was not held until 1867, but "Sissi--The Young Empress" brings the event forward in time to make the ceremony appear to be a confirmation of Sissi's improving status as empress.
Sissi (1955)
, 1h42
Directed by Ernst Marischka
Origin Austria
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romance
Themes Politique, Théâtre, Political films, Films based on plays, Films about royalty
Actors Romy Schneider, Karlheinz Böhm, Magda Schneider, Gustav Knuth, Josef Meinrad, Uta Franz
Roles Costume Design
Rating70% 3.5076953.5076953.5076953.5076953.507695
Princess Elisabeth, nicknamed "Sissi", is the second oldest daughter of Duke Maximilian Joseph in Bavaria and Princess Ludovika of Bavaria. She is a carefree, impulsive and nature-loving child. She is raised with her seven siblings at the family seat Possenhofen Castle on the shores of Lake Starnberg in Bavaria. She has a happy childhood free of constraints associated with her royal status.
The Story of Vickie, 1h58
Directed by Ernst Marischka
Origin Austria
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Historical, Romance
Themes Political films, Films about royalty
Actors Romy Schneider, Adrian Hoven, Magda Schneider, Peter Weck, Karl Ludwig Diehl, Christl Mardayn
Roles Costume Design
Rating64% 3.205523.205523.205523.205523.20552
After her Prime Minister Lord Melbourne arranges a marriage for her with the German Prince Albert, the young Queen Victoria decides to leave London and spend some time in Kent. While there she meets a handsome young German and falls in love, unaware that he is her intended husband Albert.
Franz Schubert, 1h51
Directed by Walter Kolm-Veltée
Genres Drama, Biography, Historical, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Films about classical music and musicians, Musical films
Actors Heinrich Schweiger, Aglaja Schmid, Maria Eis, Rolf Wanka, Erwin Strahl, Senta Wengraf
Roles Costume Design
Rating60% 3.007473.007473.007473.007473.00747
Franz Schubert works as an assistant teacher in the school led by his father. In his spare time, however, the young man, who considers Ludwig van Beethoven to be his unattainable role model, devotes himself to writing music. As public acceptance is denied to him, his friends lobby at the music publisher Anton Diabelli for a public performance of Schubert's music. During a reception, at which Schubert performs his Ave Maria, he gets to know singer Therese Grob.