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Leroy Shield is a Director of Photography and Sound American born on 2 october 1893 at Minnesota (USA)

Leroy Shield

Leroy Shield
Leroy Shield participated to 90 films (as actor, director or script writer).
Among those, 1 have good markets following the box office.

Here are the best films classified by number of entries :


The Music Box, 29minutes
Directed by James Gibbons Parrott
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Action
Themes Buddy films
Actors Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Billy Gilbert, Charlie Hall, Sam Lufkin, William Gillespie
Rating78% 3.9442053.9442053.9442053.9442053.944205
In a music store, Mrs. Theodore von Schwartzenhoffen orders a player piano as a surprise birthday gift for her husband, Professor Theodore von Schwartzenhoffen, M.D., A.D., D.D.S., F.L.D., F-F-F-and-F. She tells the manager her address — 1127 Walnut Avenue — and he hires the Laurel and Hardy Transfer Company to deliver the piano in their freight wagon.