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Max Haufler is a Actor, Director and Scriptwriter Suisse born on 4 june 1910 at Basel (Suisse)

Max Haufler

Max Haufler
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Nationality Suisse
Birth 4 june 1910 at Basel (Suisse)
Death 25 june 1965 (at 55 years) at Zürich (Suisse)

Max Haufler (4 June 1910 – 25 June 1965) was a Swiss actor and film director.

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Filmography of Max Haufler (20 films)

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Morituri (1965)
, 2h8
Directed by Bernhard Wicki
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Thriller, Action
Themes Spy films, Seafaring films, Transport films, Political films
Actors Marlon Brando, Yul Brynner, Janet Margolin, Trevor Howard, William Redfield, Martin Benrath
Roles Branner
Rating69% 3.4962753.4962753.4962753.4962753.496275
Robert Crain (Marlon Brando) is a German pacifist living in India during the Second World War. He is blackmailed by the Allies into using his demolition expertise to cripple a Nazi ship carrying rubber from Japan. The Allies hope to recover the ship before it is scuttled by the captain because rubber was in short supply and essential for various uses in the war effort.
Miracle of the White Stallions, 1h33
Directed by Arthur Hiller
Origin USA
Genres Drama
Themes Films about animals, Films about horses, Political films, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Robert Taylor, Lilli Palmer, Eddie Albert, James Franciscus, Curd Jürgens, Charles Régnier
Roles Engineer
Rating64% 3.240893.240893.240893.240893.24089
In World War II Austria, Col. Alois Podhajsky sets out to protect his beloved Lipizzaner stallions - purebred snow-white horses with centuries of tradition - from "liberation" by the Soviet Army, and ensure that they are surrendered into safekeeping. It is known that U.S. General George S. Patton is something of a horse fancier and might help, if he sees the stallions perform. The ending is happy; see the Lipizzaner main article for the historical details.
The Trial
The Trial (1962)
, 2h
Directed by Orson Welles
Origin German
Genres Drama, Crime
Themes Political films, Dystopian films
Actors Anthony Perkins, Orson Welles, Jeanne Moreau, Romy Schneider, Akim Tamiroff, Elsa Martinelli
Roles Uncle Max
Rating75% 3.7975153.7975153.7975153.7975153.797515
Josef K. (Anthony Perkins) is sleeping in his bedroom, in an apartment he shares with other lodgers. He is awakened when a man in a suit opens his bedroom door. Josef assumes the glib man is a policeman, but the intruder does not identify himself and ignores Josef's demand to produce police ID. Several detectives enter and tell Josef he is under open arrest. In another room Josef K. sees three co-workers from his place of employment; they are there to provide evidence regarding some unstated crime. The police refuse to inform Josef K. of his misdeeds, or if he is even being charged with a crime, and they do not take him into custody.
Town Without Pity, 1h45
Directed by Gottfried Reinhardt
Origin USA
Genres Drama
Themes Films about sexuality, Rape in fiction, Films about capital punishment
Actors Kirk Douglas, Christine Kaufmann, E. G. Marshall, Hans Nielsen, Ingrid van Bergen, Richard Jaeckel
Roles Doctor Urban
Rating71% 3.594563.594563.594563.594563.59456
Four somewhat drunk American soldiers leave a bar (where "Town Without Pity" is playing on the jukebox) in occupied Germany after World War II. Meanwhile, sixteen-year-old Karin Steinhof (Christine Kaufmann) has a quarrel with her 19-year-old boyfriend, Frank Borgmann, in the countryside. She leaves to change out of her wet bikini, and is taken by Sergeant Chuck Snyder (Frank Sutton) and gang raped by him, Corporal Birdwell Scott (Richard Jaeckel), Private Joey Haines (Mal Sondock) and Corporal Jim Larkin (Robert Blake). When Frank hears her screams for help, he runs to her, but is knocked out. After the four men are done, the guilt-ridden Larkin lingers behind; he covers the girl with his shirt before leaving with the others.
The Marriage of Mr. Mississippi, 1h34
Directed by Kurt Hoffmann
Origin German
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Monde imaginaire, Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors O. E. Hasse, Johanna von Koczian, Hansjörg Felmy, Martin Held, Charles Régnier, Max Haufler
Roles van Bosch
Rating62% 3.135843.135843.135843.135843.13584
Le film s'ouvre sur la même scène à deux endroits différents : Oxford et Moscou. Deux hommes se serrent la main et vont dans des directions opposées. Tandis que l'un, Mississippi, chrétien pratiquant la Bible à la main, va à l'ouest, l'autre, René Saint-Claude, a Le Capital de Karl Marx. Une narratrice dit : "Deux amis ont décidé de changer le monde, l'un par la loi de Moïse, l'autre par la révolution mondiale". Puis l'un est mort, l'autre a empoisonné sa femme. Cependant les deux morts ont un lien.
The Model Husband, 1h37
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Walter Roderer, Richard Alexander, Max Haufler
Roles Möbelträger
Rating62% 3.119493.119493.119493.119493.11949
The Man Who Walked Through the Wall, 1h39
Directed by Ladislao Vajda
Origin German
Genres Comedy
Actors Heinz Rühmann, Nicole Courcel, Hubert von Meyerinck, Peter Vogel, Karl Lieffen, Ernst Fritz Fürbringer
Roles Katz
Rating68% 3.4323453.4323453.4323453.4323453.432345
M. Buchsbaum, petit fonctionnaire des impôts, est un homme heureux jusqu'à l'arrivée d'un nouveau superviseur qui ne l'aime pas. Il va voir son ancien professeur qui est déçu de sa carrière. Buchsbaum lui explique qu'il fait bien son travail, mais que ce n'est pas ce qu'il y a de mieux dans sa vie, que quelque chose lui manque. Il avait de grands projets, mais il y a toujours eu un mur. Le professeur lui répond que c'est juste une excuse, simplement un manque de confiance en soi.
It Happened in Broad Daylight, 1h35
Directed by Ladislao Vajda
Origin Suisse
Genres Drama, Thriller, Crime
Themes Serial killer films
Actors Heinz Rühmann, Siegfried Lowitz, Michel Simon, Gert Fröbe, Heinrich Gretler, Berta Drews
Rating77% 3.892523.892523.892523.892523.89252
The three films follow the same basic plot, where a senior police detective is attached to elucidate the murder of a little girl. As the detective hopes for leads while talking with the mother of the murdered girl, he pledges to find her killer – and so, even after leaving the police force, he embarks upon buying a gasoline shop in the remote area where he hopes to find the criminal, and uses a little girl as bait to attract the killer. His trap is ultimately successful in ensnaring the murderer.
Der 10. Mai, 1h31
Directed by Franz Schnyder
Genres Drama
Actors Heinz Reincke, Linda Geiser, Heinrich Gretler, Max Haufler, Paulette Dubost, Therese Giehse
Rating63% 3.1747653.1747653.1747653.1747653.174765
World War II, 10 May 1940: The forces of the German Wehrmacht start the Battle of France and invade the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.
Heidi and Peter, 1h35
Directed by Franz Schnyder
Origin Suisse
Genres Drama
Themes Films about children, Children's films
Actors Heinrich Gretler, Margrit Rainer, Elsie Attenhofer, Traute Carlsen, Isa Günther, Willy Birgel
Roles Le boulanger
Rating63% 3.191343.191343.191343.191343.19134
Deux ans se sont écoulés depuis que Heidi et Klara se sont séparés. Tous les plans de Klara pour revoir Heidi échouent. Entre-temps, Klara subit une rechute et doit parfois être dans un fauteuil roulant.
Uli, der Knecht
Directed by Franz Schnyder
Origin Suisse
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romance
Actors Liselotte Pulver, Heinrich Gretler, Alfred Rasser, Linda Geiser, Max Haufler
Roles Karrer
Rating69% 3.4573953.4573953.4573953.4573953.457395
Uli est valet de ferme à la ferme Boden. C'est un garçon négligent, dépensier et trousseur de jupons. Sermonné par son maître, il comprend enfin que s'il veut échapper à sa condition misérable, il faut qu'il change d'attitude. Il tourne alors le dos à la servante Anneliesi et à ses compagnons de beuverie et se met à travailler dur. Sa réputation s'améliore à tel point que le vieux Joggeli l'engage comme maître-valet dans sa ferme de Giungge, où règne le chaos. Uli ne craint pas d'user de la manière forte et peu à peu il parvient à rétablir l'ordre. Il s'éprend par ailleurs de la douce Vreneli, enfant illégitime et parente éloignée de son patron. Mais la fille de ce dernier, Elisi, veille au grain et ne tarde pas à le détourner de la jeune fille en lui faisant miroiter un futur enviable de propriétaire... pour peu qu'il l'épouse.
Heidi (1952)
, 1h37
Directed by Luigi Comencini
Origin Suisse
Genres Drama
Themes Films about children, Children's films
Actors Heinrich Gretler, Elsie Attenhofer, Margrit Rainer, Isa Günther, Willy Birgel, Traute Carlsen
Roles Bäcker
Rating67% 3.390313.390313.390313.390313.39031
Heidi est une jeune orpheline qui vit avec son grand-père dans un chalet isolé. Elle passe ses journées dans la montagne à garder des chèvres avec son ami Peter.