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Nikita Bogoslovski is a Sound Russe born on 22 may 1913 at Saint Petersburg (Russie)

Nikita Bogoslovski

Nikita Bogoslovski
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Nationality Russie
Birth 22 may 1913 at Saint Petersburg (Russie)
Death 4 april 2004 (at 90 years) at Moscow (Russie)
Awards People's Artist of the USSR, Order of the Red Star

Nikita Bogoslovski (en russe : Никита Владимирович Богословский), né à Saint-Pétersbourg (Empire russe) le 22 mai 1913 et mort à Moscou (Russie) le 4 avril 2004, est un chef d'orchestre et compositeur russe et soviétique éminent, auteur de plus de 200 chansons, huit symphonies (de 1940 à 1991), 17 opérettes et comédies musicales, 58 bandes son et 52 partitions pour les productions théâtrales.

Usually with

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Filmography of Nikita Bogoslovski (6 films)

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An Easy Life, 1h30
Genres Comedy, Romance
Actors Yury Yakovlev, Faïna Ranevskaïa, Nadejda Roumiantseva, Vsevolod Safonov, Vera Maretskaya
Rating73% 3.695733.695733.695733.695733.69573
A chemist by training, Alexandr Petrovich Bochkin (Yury Yakovlev) manages a Moscow dry-cleaning operation, but lives a very comfortable life, taking orders on the side for his speculative "private enterprise," run in conjunction with "Queen Margot" (Faina Ranevskaya). But when his old friend from the chemical institute, Yuri Lebedev (Vsevolod Safonov) arrives in Moscow from the Siberian city of Dalnegorsk, along with a traveling companion, Olga (Ninel Myshkova), Bochkin becomes uncomfortable with his job title. He decides to tell his friends that he is a scientist working on top-secret experiments for the government, but eventually this cover story backfires, leading to one misunderstanding after the other.
Bootleggers, 19minutes
Directed by Leonid Gaïdaï
Genres Comedy, Crime
Actors Yuri Nikulin, Georgy Vitsin, Yevgeny Morgunov
Rating78% 3.942543.942543.942543.942543.94254
The trio of Fool, Coward, and Experienced decides to get rich with the help of their samogon-making apparatus. The making of samogon goes well, and towards the end of their "work shift", they decide to try some of their product. During dinner, they think that someone had approached their izba (concealed in woods with a false "nature reserve" sign to deter people). While the trio is distracted, their dog smashes some bottles of samogon. The dog also takes the condenser coil, and while being chased by the trio, leads them to the militsiya.
Leon Garros Is Looking for His Friend, 1h38
Directed by Marcello Pagliero
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy
Themes Transport films, Films about automobiles, Road movies
Actors Jean Rochefort, Tatiana Samoïlova, Jean Gaven, Valentin Zubkov, Lioudmila Martchenko, Vladimir Ivashov
Rating61% 3.091243.091243.091243.091243.09124
During the Second World War and the Leon Garros and Boris Vaganov escapes from a Nazi concentration camp. After 15 years as a journalist Leon with buddies visited the Soviet Union to make a report and casually find Boris. But Boris is not in Moscow, and for the sake of meeting a friend Garros have to overtake a car half the country... Together with foreigners is traveling translator Nikolai, who turn to looking for Natasha, his brother's runaway bride.
It Was I Who Drew the Little Man, 56minutes
Genres Animation
Actors Georgy Vitsin, Sergey Martinson, Mikhaïl Yanchine, Erast Garine
Rating66% 3.3041153.3041153.3041153.3041153.304115
On the first of September, Fedya Zaytsev is the very first kid who comes to school. In his joy at realizing this, he draws a little man with an umbrella on the wall of his classroom with a piece of charcoal, realizing too late that this is against the rules. In class, the teacher notices the drawing and asks everyone to raise their hands. Fedya rubs out his hands so that they are clean, but his friend, with whom he had shaken hands earlier, has dirty hands and is blamed. Fedya goes home without saying anything, but the little man whom he drew follows him, and he teams up with all of Fedya's toys and the heroes of his favourite books to teach him a lesson. At the end of the film, Fedya admits to his mistake.
Two Soldiers, 1h20
Directed by Leonid Loukov
Genres Drama, War, Comedy, Romance
Themes Politique, Political films, Buddy films
Actors Mark Bernes, Boris Andreyev, Ianina Boleslavovna Jeïmo, Stepan Krylov
Rating75% 3.757633.757633.757633.757633.75763
Le film traite de l’amitié entre deux soldats, Arkady Dzioubine, joyeux gars originaire d’Odessa (interprété par Mark Bernes) et Sacha Svintsov, dit « Sacha d’Ouralmash », un gars de l’Oural, joué par Boris Andreïev. Le film exprime, avec un grand réalisme, la vie au front. Il est devenu une référence du genre, et a joui d’un immense succès durant plusieurs décennies.