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Pina Gallini is a Actor Italienne born on 19 march 1888 at Bondeno (Italie)

Pina Gallini

Pina Gallini
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Nationality Italie
Birth 19 march 1888 at Bondeno (Italie)
Death 31 january 1974 (at 85 years) at Bologna (Italie)

Pina Gallini (19 March 1888 – 31 January 1974) was an Italian film actress. She appeared in 82 films between 1935 and 1963. She was born in Bondeno, Italy and died in Bologna, Italy.

Usually with

(5 films)
Lucio Fulci
Lucio Fulci
(3 films)
Giulio Calì
Giulio Calì
(6 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Pina Gallini (33 films)

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My Pal, Dr. Jekyll, 1h30
Directed by Marino Girolami
Genres Comedy
Themes Comedy horror films
Actors Ugo Tognazzi, Abbe Lane, Carlo Croccolo, Raimondo Vianello, Hélène Chanel, Linda Sini
Roles Sorvegliante al collegio
Rating59% 2.970422.970422.970422.970422.97042
In 20th century Italy, Giacinto Floria is a tutor in a rehabilitation center for former prostitutes. Floria is kidnapped each night by Professor Fabius who trasnfers his mind into Floria's making him a crazed sex fiend. A detective later discovers this is happening and frees Floria from her kidnapper while the Professor mind ends up within the body of a monkey at a zoo.
The Woman's Confidant, 1h25
Directed by Jean Boyer
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Actors Fernandel, Ugo Tognazzi, Sylva Koscina, Denise Grey, Memmo Carotenuto, Aroldo Tieri
Roles Le servante de Goberti
Rating57% 2.873872.873872.873872.873872.87387
Vétérinaire à Figarolo, Giuliano Goberti donne aussi quelques soins aux habitants du village depuis la mort du docteur Lofal. Mais l'arrivée d'une remplaçante du médecin vacant va précipiter les événements. Alors qu'elle prescrit force médicaments, Giuliano ordonne de bons repas et de la culture physique à la comtesse alitée. Devant les excellents résultats obtenus, un journaliste romain se fait l'écho de ce miracle. Bientôt la calme petite cité italienne est envahie par une foule bigarrée de malades imaginaires qui doivent se munir d'un animal pour éviter au vétérinaire des ennuis pour exercice illégal de la médecine. Finalement, le brave Giuliano épousera la ravissante doctoresse se guérissant ainsi réciproquement de leur célibat.
Days of Love, 1h38
Directed by Giuseppe De Santis, Leopoldo Savona
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romance
Actors Marcello Mastroianni, Marina Vlady, Gabriele Tinti, Giulio Calì, Pina Gallini, Gildo Bocci
Roles Filomena Droppio, nonna di Pasquale
Rating63% 3.1940653.1940653.1940653.1940653.194065
Dans un petit village du Latium du Sud, une paysanne et un paysan jeunes et pauvres, Angela et Pasquale, reportent indéfiniment leurs noces car ils n'ont pas les moyens pour la cérémonie de mariage. Les deux familles, très amies entre elles, après avoir discuté d'un éventuel mariage et fait les comptes, poussent Pasquale à enlever Angela de manière que la jeune fille perde sa virginité et qu'à ce point ce soit le classique « mariage de réparation », évitant ainsi une fastueuse cérémonie nuptiale. Pendant la « fuite » des deux amoureux les choses se compliquent néanmoins : les deux familles qui devaient faire semblant de se disputer se fâchent vraiment et Angela n'a pas l'intention de se donner à Pasquale. À la fin les choses s'arrangent quand même et le plan initial est exécuté, et les deux jeunes amoureux se marient.
An American in Rome, 1h24
Directed by Steno
Genres Comedy
Actors Alberto Sordi, Maria-Pia Casilio, Giulio Calì, Anita Durante, Vincenzo Talarico, Carlo Mazzarella
Roles Elderly spectator on TV
Rating69% 3.4622353.4622353.4622353.4622353.462235
Italy in the Fifties. The image of grandeur and opulence, brought by the arrival of American troops in 1944, still has its effect on many young Italians. One of them is Ferdinand "Nando" Mericoni (Alberto Sordi), a connoisseur of the American world as represented in American cinema of which he is fervent devotee. Believing his future lies beyond the Atlantic, Nando moves to Rome, americanizing his life by imitating the sounds of American language and trying to recreate a Hollywood setting in his room, in his antics which leave a trail of victims, especially his now desperate parents, and his girlfriend Elvira (Maria Pia Casilio), who, probably allured by his manner, loves him despite everything.
An American in Rome, 1h34
Directed by Steno
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Alberto Sordi, Maria-Pia Casilio, Giulio Calì, Ursula Andress, Anita Durante, Galeazzo Benti
Roles Elderly spectator on TV
Rating69% 3.4622353.4622353.4622353.4622353.462235
Le film se déroule à Rome après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Fernando « Nando » Mericoni (Alberto Sordi) a un penchant pour tout ce qui vient des États-Unis, les films (son grand héros est John Wayne), le sport (il porte une casquette aux insignes de Joe Di Maggio), la nourriture (ketchup, pop-corn, chewing-gum) et la langue. Il prétend connaître l'anglais, mais ne parle qu'un vulgaire charabia. Il installe un refroidisseur d'eau dans sa chambre, comme il l'a vu à l'ambassade américaine. Toute sa vie est une parodie risible de la vie américaine. Le but ultime de Nando est d'aller en Amérique. Inspiré par le film de Henry Hathaway, Quatorze heures (1951 ) , il monte sur le plus haut mur du Colisée devant une foule des spectateurs, menaçant de sauter si son visa ne lui est pas accordé par l'ambassade des États-Unis.
The Return of Don Camillo, 1h46
Directed by Julien Duvivier
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Themes Films about religion
Actors Fernandel, Gino Cervi, Paolo Stoppa, Édouard Delmont, Arturo Bragaglia, Leda Gloria
Rating71% 3.596233.596233.596233.596233.59623
Don Camillo is exiled from Peppone in a small mountain town; however, the communist mayor of Brescello has problems with the crowd. In fact the people of the small town wants back Camillo as parish, and also a flood threatens to destroy the lands of Brescello. So Peppone call back the priest, and he tries to raise the money needed to prevent the damage of the flood that is imminent. However, delays occur and so the flood devastates the small country. Don Camillo is forced to go away again.
Half a Century of Song
Directed by Domenico Paolella
Genres Comedy, Musical
Actors Marco Vicario, Cosetta Greco, Anna Maria Ferrero, Franco Interlenghi, Maria Fiore, Olga Villi
Rating65% 3.2947853.2947853.2947853.2947853.294785
Les chansons sur lesquelles sont basés les épisodes du film sont: Amour romantique , Ninì Tirabusciò , Sceptique bleu , Corsaire blonde , Yvonne , Ziki-Paki, Ziki-Pu , Lodovico , Biagio adagio , Stramilano , Living , Faccetta nera , Tornerai et Munasterio et Santa Chiara .
Toto and the Women, 1h43
Directed by Lucio Fulci, Mario Monicelli, Steno
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Totò, Ave Ninchi, Clelia Matania, Alda Mangini, Lea Padovani, Mario Castellani
Roles la suocera
Rating65% 3.254233.254233.254233.254233.25423
The Roman businessman Philip (Totò) can not standthat his possessive and domineering wife (Ave Ninchi) wants to require its own lifestyle. In fact, for years now after the wedding, Philip was now totally feel deprived of their freedom of her husband. The only freedom that remains is to hole up in the attic read novels polizieschie and venerate the leader of the Italian sergeants. The balance family collapses when the young daughter of Philip became engaged to a young doctor (Peppino De Filippo) to prove to everyone that his talent decides to use the poor Philip as a guinea pig! When enough is enough: Philip decides to spend his evenings in the greater worldliness possible along with his young girlfriend. However Philip soon discovers that the girl is too young for him and, feeling ridiculous, decides to break off the relationship. But it is too late: his wife discovered him and wants to drag it to court .
Toto the Third Man, 1h35
Directed by Mario Mattoli
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Totò, Franca Marzi, Elli Parvo, Carlo Campanini, Aroldo Tieri, Alberto Sorrentino
Roles cameriera del sindaco
Rating65% 3.297043.297043.297043.297043.29704
In a small village Peter and Paul (both starring Toto), twin brothers of opposite characters, Peter, mayor of the town, is gruff, precise, picky all of a piece and never lets talk about his wife (Bice Valori), is totally different from his brother Paul, who loves the good life and beautiful women, such as the innkeeper's wife Oreste (Carlo Campanini) at the expense of his wife. The dispute between the two brothers is affecting the whole country, because the construction of the new prison, which will give bread and work for all, will be built on land owned by Paul and despite already there is a municipal resolution acquisition of land by part of the town, Peter refuses to carry out the transaction with his brother, blocking the start of work, because they are afraid you might think that makes favoritism to his brother. A groped to take advantage of the situation will try Anacleto (Aroldo Tieri), the tailor of the country, more good to baste clothes that fraud, that he met in jail Toto, the third secret twin brother of Peter and Paul, and once released from jail instructed him to go to Peter's house, pretending to be the latter and give the money owed to Paul for the sale of the land.