Directed byPippo Mezzapesa OriginItalie GenresDrama, Comedy ActorsDino Abbrescia, Francesco De Vito, Teresa Saponangelo Roles Rita Rating64% Elia (Sergio Rubini), est le dernier habitant de Provvidenza , un village du sud de l'Italie, détruit par un tremblement de terre. Il a refusé de partir contrairement au reste de la communauté qui préfère oublier et est partie s'installer dans la « Nuova Provvidenza ». Pour Elia, son village vit encore et grâce à l'aide de son vieil ami Gesualdo (Dino Abbrescia), essaie de garder vivant le souvenir à la mémoire de sa femme Maria, la petite maîtresse du village qui est morte lors du séisme.
, 1h22 Directed byPippo Mezzapesa OriginItalie GenresDrama ActorsAylin Prandi, Rolando Ravello, Teresa Saponangelo Roles La madre di Natuccio Rating55% Francesco, surnommé Veleno habite un village des Pouilles. C'est un enfant issu d'une famille bourgeoise fasciné par la vie de ses camarades qui provenant de humbles familles populaires vivent dans des conditions d'apparente liberté et jouent dans une équipe de football amateur : la « Cosmica ». Zazà, le personnage le plus charismatique du groupe, transforme le timide et introverti Veleno en gardien de but, lui rend confiance et l'accepte dans le groupe après quelques épreuves d'initiation. Un jour, Zazà et Veleno assistent au vol d'Annalisa depuis le toit d'une église ; à partir de ce moment leur vie change. La mystérieuse jeune fille vit dans une petite villa dégradée située en dehors du centre habité. Elle habite seule et les deux amis commencent à la fréquenter et semblent en devenir amoureux.
, 2h OriginGerman GenresDrama, Romance ActorsBarbara Rudnik, Peter Lohmeyer, Anna Brüggemann, Julia Dietze, Mina Tander, Teresa Saponangelo Roles Laura Rating61% Le film de Johannes Brunners se déroule lors de l'Oktoberfest et en fait le théâtre d'une intrigue amoureuse. Au centre de celle-ci se trouve la serveurse sur la fête Birgit. Elle se trouve dans une période de doute dans son couple avec Max, musicien. Richard, quant à lui, se retrouve partagé entre ses responsabilités parentales et son nouvel amour. L'italien Alessandro lui s'éprend d'une japonaise en voyage de noce.
, 3h20 Directed byFrères Taviani OriginItalie GenresDrama, Romance ActorsLaetitia Casta, Adriano Giannini, Cecilia Roth, Marie Bäumer, Emilio Solfrizzi, Lello Arena Roles Assunta Rating60% The film is about the life of Luisa Sanfelice, a young member of the Neapolitan nobility who is in love with a republican, Salvato Palmieri. In the wake of the French Revolution a Napoleonic army led by general Jean-Étienne Championnet enters in Naples. Horatio Nelson receives the duty to organise the exile of King Ferdinand to Palermo. After the court has fled the Parthenopean Republic is proclaimed in January 1799. Also Luisa's husband, Cavaliere Luciano Sanfelice, has gone, but she stays. Luisa becomes the symbol of the hatred nobility though she supports the revolution. In June of the same year Naples is taken by the royalist troops conducted by cardinal Fabrizio Ruffo. Ferdinand returns to the town: with his well-known brutality he orders several massacres and the elimination of all opponents. 50000 Neapoletans are left dead. Disregarding the outrage of the population Ferdinand puts Luisa to death on 11 September 1800.
, 1h59 GenresDrama, Comedy ActorsFrançois Cluzet, Isabella Ferrari, Margherita Buy, Giancarlo Giannini, Pierfrancesco Favino, Teresa Saponangelo Roles Rosa Rating67% En décembre 1816, un certain Henri Beyle, futur Stendhal, parcourt l'Italie sans but véritable, si ce n'est la recherche du bonheur et de la beauté. Resté bloqué à Terracina, il s'éprend d'une jeune veuve mélancolique, Josephina, qui l'introduit auprès de l'époux de sa cousine, le comte Nencini. Aristocrate en exil, il vit séparé de sa frivole épouse, restée à Naples. Surtout, il va rencontrer celui pour lequel il n'hésitera pas plus tard à « se crotter » pour venir entendre sa musique, le jeune Rossini, maestro le plus aimé d'Italie. Si l'épopée napoléonienne est bien terminée, les cœurs des héros de cette histoire vibrent de leurs illusions amoureuses comme de leurs déceptions politiques.
, 1h57 Directed byShōhei Imamura OriginJapon GenresDrama, Crime ThemesFilms about domestic violence ActorsKōji Yakusho, Misa Shimizu, Mitsuko Baishō, Akira Emoto, Shō Aikawa, Etsuko Ichihara Roles Akira Kimonodejudodolisopalabragua Rating72% Acting on the advice of an anonymous note, Takuro Yamashita (Kōji Yakusho) returns home early one night to find his wife in bed with another man. He kills her and then turns himself in to the police. After being released from prison, he opens a barber shop and brings along a pet eel which he talks to while mostly ignoring conversation with others. He helps save Keiko Hattori (Misa Shimizu) from a suicide attempt, resulting in her working at the shop. She starts developing romantic feelings for him, but he acts nonchalant and refuses the boxed lunches she prepares for him when he goes eel-hunting with the fisherman Jukichi Takada. Takuro recognizes the local garbageman from prison and the garbageman starts to stalk Takuro and Keiko, believing that Takuro isn't repentant enough for his crimes. He attempts to rape Keiko and leaves a letter revealing Takuro's past on the door of his barber shop, but it is removed by Takada. Keiko finds out that she is pregnant with the baby of Eiji Dojima (Tomorowo Taguchi), a loan shark, and that it is too late for an abortion. One night the garbageman goes to Takuro's shop and lectures him, accusing him of killing his wife out of jealousy. The two get into an altercation and Takuro fends him off. Keiko goes back to her old company, where she is the vice-president, and retrieves her mother's bankbook. This results in Dojima angrily going to the barber shop, along with henchman, and accusing her of theft since he was planning to reinvest the funds into his business. Dojima's group and Keiko's fight, with the false revelation that Keiko is pregnant with Takuro's child. The police find that Keiko's mother never signed power of attorney papers for Dojima, but a parole violation meeting for Takuro causes him to be sent back to prison for a year. Takuro lets his eel go and accepts a boxed lunch from Keiko, who promises to wait for him with her baby.