In a small Florida tourist town named Ticlaw, the Mayor/Preacher Kirby T. Calo (William Devane) also operates a hotel and tiny wildlife safari park. The town's major draw is a water-skiing elephant named Bubbles.
The Heiress Betty (Betty Balfour) draws the ire of her father after using his aeroplane to fly to her boyfriend (Jean Braden) on an ocean liner headed to France.
Tibby, the wife of Samuel Sweetland (Jameson Thomas) dies, and shortly afterwards his daughter marries and leaves home, leaving him on his own with his two servants. His wife had told him that he should remarry after her death, so he pursues some local spinsters who were at his daughter's wedding after he and his housekeeper Minta (Lillian Hall-Davis) make out a list of possibilities.
The film's title refers not only to the boxing arena, but also to the wedding ring – and to a suggestive snake bracelet which becomes a symbol of the love triangle at the center of the film. The story revolves around a love triangle between a fairground boxer (Jack "One Round" Sander – Carl Brisson) whose lover (Mabel – Lillian Hall-Davis) falls for the charms of a professional boxer (Bob Corby – Ian Hunter).