Una Película de Huevos (Spanish for A Movie of Eggs) is a 2006 animated Mexican adventure comedy film produced by Huevocartoon Producciones (Eggcartoon Productions). The film featured voices by Bruno Bichir, Angélica Vale and Carlos Espejel. This film, along with its sequel, were released direct-to-video in the United States and are available in some Walmart locations.Synopsis
The movie starts off with the egg Toto who wants to become a chick but he was taken away from his mother before he could hatch. Then he was put for sale in a supermarket where Toto was bought. Toto meets Willy and a bunch of other eggs who want to escape. After Willy and the Leader devised a plan to escape, they chose Toto to distract the cat while they escape. Willy would serve as his aid when Toto escaped the cat, but sadly they get left behind by the others and were left trapped in the house, forced to look for a way to get to a farm so Toto can hatch.