Soñar no Cuesta Nada (English: Dreaming Doesn't Cost a Thing) is a 2006 Colombian black comedy film directed by Rodrigo Triana. Based on a true story, the plot follows a group of anti-guerrilla soldiers, whose lives are turned upside down after finding $45 million hidden in the jungle.Synopsis
A handful of soldiers are faced with the ultimate temptation, which affects their ethical standards in different ways. Perlaza (Carlos Manuel Vesga), Lloreda (Diego Cadavid), Venegas (Juan Sebastian Aragon) and Porras (Manuel Jose Chaves) are four servicemen in the Colombian Army who are part of a counter-guerrilla unit dedicated to ferreting out revolutionaries who have set up camp in the nation's jungles. Porras is married and a dedicated family man, while the others are single and like to party hard when they are not on duty.