Ace of Hearts is a 2008 English Canadian family drama film directed by David Mackay. It features Dean Cain, Mike Dopud, Britt McKillip and Anne Marie Loder in the lead roles. It revolves around a K9 dog named Ace, his handler Dan (Dean Cain), and Torco (Mike Dopud) the criminal.Synopsis
The film is about a K-9 dog named Ace. The police was trying to catch a robber whom they have nicknamed "Goliath". The police and the dogs are on the track of Torco. Ace's trainer, Dan, allows Ace to take down Torco. Ace takes Torco down, and keeps him down, until Dan arrives. When police see the injuries to Torco's neck, they believe it is a result of Ace biting him. They send Ace to be euthanized, but he escapes.