Adam's Wall is a Canadian film released in Montreal on October 17, 2008. The film is directed by Michael Mackenzie, who also co-wrote the film with Dana Schoel and produced by Ziad Touma of Couzin Films and by Olivier Sirois. The film's original music is composed by Benoît Charest.
The cast stars Jesse Aaron Dwyre as Adam Levy, Flavia Bechara as Yasmine Gibran, Paul Ahmarani as Najeeb Gibran, Gabriel Gascon as Rabbi Levy, Tyrone Benskin as Mostafa and Maxim Roy as Christine. Younger Adam is played by Kyler Nesrallah.Synopsis
In Montreal’s Mile End, Adam Levy, a Jewish teenager, falls in love with Yasmine Gibran, a Lebanese girl… On his way to audition for music school, Adam meets Yasmine, who is participating in a student protest. When the demonstration gets out of hand, they are thrown together in the rush to evacuate the school. He might have missed his audition, but instead he’s met the girl of his dreams! Adam, handsome and shy, and Yasmine, exquisite and passionate, are instantly drawn to one another.