Aranmanai (Tamil: அரண்மனை, English: Palace) is an Indian Tamil horror comedy film co-written and directed by Sundar C. The film features an ensemble cast including Sundar C. Vinay Rai, Santhanam, Hansika Motwani, Andrea Jeremiah, Raai Laxmi, Nithin Sathya, Kovai Sarala and Manobala. The film was started by the end of September 2013 and released on 19 September 2014 and received highly positive reviews.Synopsis
Eshwari (Kovai Sarala),her husband (Manobala) and her son,(Nithin Sathya), Eshwari's brother (Chitra Lakshmanan),his daughter Maya (Raai Laxmi), another older brother's son Murali (Vinay Rai) and his newly wedded wife Madhavi (Andrea Jeremiah) have gathered to sell their Palace off to Ayyanar, who had leased the property for five years. Meanwhile, Paalsamy (Santhanam) sneaks into the Aranmanai under the guise of a cook, finds his grandmother's photograph in the palace and he too decides to catch hold of the palace.