Ay Lav Yu is a 2010 Turkish comedy film, written and directed by Sermiyan Midyat, about a young man who having completed his education returns to his home village along with his American bride-to-be. The film, which went on nationwide general release across Turkey on 12 March 2010 (2010-03-12), laid claim to various firsts for Turkish cinema including; first movie to feature Turkish, Kurdish, Syriac and English dialogue; first movie to show the blend of different religions in East Turkey; and first comedy with an international ensemble to look at the 9/11 attacks.Synopsis
Yusuf Ağa, the landlord of the tiny southeast Anatolian village of Tinne, keeps sending petitions to high level state officials to make the voice of his village heard by the central government. Years ago, Yusuf abandoned his son, İbrahim, in the courtyard of a university so that he could get a good education and become an important man. There, İbrahim was found by Father Hana, who raised him and gave him a good life. Now İbrahim has turned 30, and he returns to his village along with his girlfriend, Jessica. But will the tiny village of Tinne become the new home of İbrahim and Jessica?