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Ballad of a Hussar is a film of genre War directed by Eldar Riazanov released in USA on 11 november 1962 with Larisa Golubkina

Ballad of a Hussar (1963)

Ballad of a Hussar
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Released in USA 11 november 1962
Length 1h36
Directed by
Genres War,    Comedy,    Musical theatre,    Musical
Rating73% 3.6899953.6899953.6899953.6899953.689995

The Hussar Ballad (Russian: Гусарская баллада) is a 1962 Soviet musical film by Eldar Ryazanov, filmed on Mosfilm. In effect, it is one of the best loved musical comedies in Russia.

With most of its dialogue delivered in verse, Ryazanov's script romanticizes the adventures of Nadezhda Durova during the Napoleonic wars. The swift paced, action packed, humor filled adventure is ingeniously mixed with light-hearted acting bravado and memorable operetta pieces. The film's musical score and songs were written by Tikhon Khrennikov.

The leading roles - those of the cavalry maiden Shurochka Azarova and the dashing hussar Dmitry Rzhevsky - were played by Andrei Mironov's wife Larisa Golubkina and the People's Artist of the USSR Yuri Yakovlev, respectively. Comedian Igor Ilyinsky appeared as one-eyed Field-Marshal Kutuzov.

The film is based on the play A Long Time Ago by Alexander Gladkov.

The film proved so popular with Soviet audiences that poruchik Rzhevsky became quite a folklore character, featured in numerous jokes. See Russian jokes#Poruchik Rzhevsky for samples.


Larisa Golubkina

(Shura Azarova)
Yury Yakovlev

(Lieutenant Rzhevsky)
Igor Ilinski

(Field Marshal Kutuzov)
Nikolai Kryuchkov

Vladimir Balon

(Assistant to Kutuzov)
Trailer of Ballad of a Hussar

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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