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Igor Ilinski is a Actor Russe born on 23 july 1901 at Moscow (Russie)

Igor Ilinski

Igor Ilinski
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Birth name Igor Vladimirovich Ilyinsky
Nationality Russie
Birth 23 july 1901 at Moscow (Russie)
Death 13 january 1987 (at 85 years) at Moscow (Russie)
Awards People's Artist of the USSR, Order of Lenin, State Stalin Prize

Igor Vladimirovich Ilyinsky (Russian: И́горь Влади́мирович Ильи́нский; 24 July 1901 – 13 January 1987) was a famous Russian film and stage actor, director and comedian.


Ses débuts

À 16 ans, Igor Ilinski entre au Komissarjevskaïa Studio Theatre et après un an et demi il débute sur scène. Son premier rôle est celui du vieillard dans Lysistrata d'Aristophane. En 1920, il rejoint le théâtre Vsevolod Meyerhold où il restera plus de dix ans. Son style correspondant aux principes de Meyerhold, il est rapidement devenu l'acteur vedette de ce théâtre.

Le cinéma muet
Au milieu des années 1920, Ilinski fait ses débuts au cinéma où il joue des rôles comiques. En 1924, Yakov Protazanov lui donne un rôle dans son célèbre film futuriste Aelita, suivi d'un autre, en 1925, dans la comédie Le Tailleur de Torjok (Zakroïchtchik iz Torjka). En 1926, il apparaît encore dans trois films.

Les années 1930 à 1950
En 1938, il rejoint la troupe du théâtre Maly qui a toujours été sa préférée, et ce depuis ses années scolaires. Il y restera près de cinquante ans et y mettra en scène plusieurs pièces. Ilinski écrira plus tard que c'est la littérature classique russe qui l'a aidé à surmonter la crise et le sentiment d'être incapable de créer des personnages nouveaux et différents des précédents.

En 1938, Ilinski joue le personnage de Byvalov dans la comédie Volga Volga de Grigori Aleksandrov et reçoit en 1941 le prix Staline pour cette interprétation. Cependant, après ce film, Ilinski ne tourne presque plus. Cependant, au milieu années 1950, il obtient à nouveau un rôle dans comédie légère, A Crazy Day.

Les années ultérieures
Au théâtre Maly, Ilinski change de registre et joue des personnages tragiques, en particulier ceux de Fiodor Dostoïevski et de Léon Tolstoï. À la fin des années 1960, Ilinski s'oriente vers la mise en scène. Sa première mise en scène est la version scénique du roman Madame Bovary de Gustave Flaubert. La fin de sa carrière est marquée par son interprétation dans Turning Full Circle and of Firs de Léon Tolstoï et dans La Cerisaie d'Anton Tchekhov. Igor Ilinski , presque aveugle, a ensuite beaucoup joué à la radio.

Igor Ilinski meurt en 1987 et est enterré au cimetière de Novodevitchi. Sa veuve, l'actrice Tatiana Yeremeyeva, décède le 29 novembre 2012 à l'âge de 99 ans.

Usually with

Fedor Ozep
Fedor Ozep
(4 films)
Boris Barnet
Boris Barnet
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Igor Ilinski (13 films)

Display filmography as list


Beware of the Car!, 1h34
Directed by Eldar Riazanov
Genres Comedy, Crime, Romance
Actors Innokenti Smoktounovski, Igor Ilinski, Lioudmila Gourtchenko, Andreï Mironov, Anatoli Papanov, Olga Arosseva
Rating79% 3.9938453.9938453.9938453.9938453.993845
The movie plot evolves around Yuriy Detochkin (Smoktunovsky), a humble Soviet insurance agent suffering from a minor mental disorder. Detochkin applies great resourcefullness and exceptional driving skill to stealing cars from corrupt Soviet officials in a Robin Hood way, disappointed by the Militsiya (Soviet police) being unable to fight them efficiently. One of the Detochkin's un-innocent victims is Dima Semitsvetov (Mironov), a retail embezzler hilariously trolled, but still tolerated by his colourful father-in-law Sokol-Kruzhkin (Papanov), a retired Soviet Army officer.
Carnival Night, 1h18
Directed by Eldar Riazanov
Genres Comedy, Musical theatre, Musical, Romance
Themes Carnaval, Films about music and musicians, Musical films
Actors Igor Ilinski, Lioudmila Gourtchenko, Vladimir Zeldin, Sergueï Filippov, Andreï Toutychkine, Tamara Nossova
Roles Серафим Иванович Огурцов
Rating73% 3.6921653.6921653.6921653.6921653.692165
It is New Year's Eve and the employees of an Economics Institute are ready with their annual New Year's entertainment program. It includes a lot of dancing and singing, jazz band performance and even magic tricks. Suddenly, an announcement is made that a new director has been appointed and that he is arriving shortly. Comrade Ogurtsov arrives in time to review and disapprove of the scheduled entertainment. To him, holiday fun has a different meaning. He imagines speakers reading annual reports to show the Institute's progress over the year, and, perhaps, a bit of serious music, something from the Classics, played by the Veterans' Orchestra.
Volga - Volga, 1h44
Directed by Grigori Alexandrov
Genres Comedy, Musical theatre, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films
Actors Lioubov Orlova, Igor Ilinski, Andreï Toutychkine, Valentina Kibardina, Vsevolod Sanaïev
Roles Byvalov
Rating65% 3.295283.295283.295283.295283.29528
Byvalov, chef carriériste et bureaucrate d'une petite ville de province rêve de s'établir à Moscou. Il reçoit un télégramme de la capitale pour présenter des équipes de musiciens amateurs aux Olympiades musicales de Moscou, mais estimant qu'il n'y a pas de talent dans sa petite ville, Byvalov ne veut envoyer personne. Il existe deux orchestres d'amateurs en ville, l'un de musique classique, l'autre de musique populaire. Ils essayent en vain de convaincre le chef du soviet municipal. Finalement Byvalov, accepte de partir en bateau sur la Volga pour rejoindre Moscou, avec l'orchestre de musique classique. L'autre équipe, dirigée par Dounia (Lioubov Orlova), s'y rend par ses propres moyens et arrive avant les autres.
St. Jorgen's Day, 1h23
Directed by Yakov Protazanov
Origin Russie
Genres Comedy
Themes Monde imaginaire
Actors Igor Ilinski, Anatoli Ktorov, Mikhail Klimov
Roles Frants Shults
Rating70% 3.505593.505593.505593.505593.50559
Before the church holiday celebrating St. Jorgen, the thief Korkis (Anatoli Ktorov) escapes from prison and mingles with the gathering celebrants. He sees the large amounts of money being made by those hosting the celebration, who are mainly clergy. Korkis cannot refrain from getting involved in this venture. Together with an accomplice (Igor Ilyinsky) they conceive and realize a way to fraudulently extract at least a small part of the money flowing into the hosts' coffers.
A Kiss from Mary Pickford
Directed by Sergueï Komarov
Origin Russie
Genres Comedy
Actors Anel Sudakevich, Igor Ilinski, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, Vera Malinovskaya, Abram Room
Roles Goga Palkin
Rating62% 3.117683.117683.117683.117683.11768
Goga Palkin is a theatre check-taker in love with an beginner actress named Dusya. She has a crush on Douglas Fairbanks and only wants to date someone famous like a Hollywood star. After a chance meeting and a kiss from Mary Pickford, Goga becomes a local celebrity, and a lot of girls chase him through the streets. The popularity of her admirer makes Dusya jealous, and she falls for him.
Miss Mend
Miss Mend (1926)
, 4h10
Directed by Boris Barnet, Fedor Ozep
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Adventure, Crime
Themes Spy films
Actors Igor Ilinski, Boris Barnet, Vladimir Fogel, Sergueï Komarov, Anel Sudakevich, Mikhail Zharov
Roles Tom Hopkins - Clerk
Rating68% 3.420523.420523.420523.420523.42052
Vivian Mend, with the help of her colleagues, is on the trail of an assassin named Chiche. He has organized the assassination of Mend's employer, an American millionaire named Gordon Stern, accusing the Bolsheviks of his murder.
The Case of the Three Million, 1h6
Directed by Yakov Protazanov
Genres Comedy, Adventure
Actors Igor Ilinski, Anatoli Ktorov, Mikhail Klimov, Olga Zhiznyeva, Vladimir Fogel
Roles Тапиока
Rating69% 3.4622053.4622053.4622053.4622053.462205
To prepare grounds for yet another speculation, the banker Ornano (Mikhail Klimov) sells his house for three million rubles, but since it the weekend he cannot deposit the money in a bank and must carry it with him. He leaves the city for his country home for a short period of time, only return right away owing to his worries about the money. His wife sends a note to her lover telling him that there are three million in the house but the note, owing to the machinations of one of the three thieves on whom the film focuses, is intercepted. The note, falling into hands of the thief/adventurer Cascarilla (Anatoli Ktorov) causes him to plot his attempt to steal the money. Meantime, the small-time burglar Tapioca (Igor Ilyinsky) also chooses the same night to break into the house.
The Tailor from Torzhok, 1h5
Directed by Yakov Protazanov
Genres Comedy
Actors Igor Ilinski, Olga Zhiznyeva, Anatoli Ktorov, Vera Maretskaya
Roles Petya Petelkin - Tailor
Rating67% 3.3960753.3960753.3960753.3960753.396075
A small-town tailor Petya Petelkin (Igor Ilyinsky) buys a lottery ticket starting a chain of comic adventures.
Aelita: Queen of Mars, 1h50
Directed by Yakov Protazanov
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Fantasy, Adventure
Themes Space adventure films, Mars in film, Films based on science fiction novels, Films about extraterrestrial life, Martiens, Space opera, Films about extraterrestrial life
Actors Yuliya Solntseva, Igor Ilinski, Nikolai Tseretelli, Nikolai Batalov, Vera Orlova, Mikhail Zharov
Roles Kravtsov - amateur sleuth
Rating63% 3.194533.194533.194533.194533.19453
L'histoire débute en décembre 1921. Un mystérieux message est envoyé aux radios du monde entier, simplement trois mots : « Anta… Odeli… Uta… » que les spécialistes ne peuvent déchiffrer. Dans une station de Moscou, l'ingénieur Los et son collègue et voisin l'ingénieur Spiridonov reçoivent ce message. On apprend ensuite qu'ils élaborent en secret les plans d'un vaisseau spatial.
Papirosnitsa ot Mosselproma
Themes Films about television
Actors Yuliya Solntseva, Igor Ilinski, Nikolai Tseretelli
Roles Nikodim Mityushin
Rating65% 3.2837653.2837653.2837653.2837653.283765
As she works in her tedious office job, Maria Ivanovna dreams about being married, and she has particular hopes that her co-worker Nikodim Mityushin (Igor Ilyinsky) will take an interest in her. Nikodim, though, is in love with Zina (Yuliya Solntseva), who sells cigarettes on the sidewalk, and he frequently buys cigarettes from her even though he does not smoke. One day, a film crew uses Zina as an extra in an outdoor scene, and the cameraman, Latugin (Nikolai Tseretelli), falls in love with her. Latugin soon arranges an acting job for Zina. To complicate matters further, Zina has yet another admirer in Oliver MacBride, an American businessman who is visiting Moscow.