Barry Munday (alternatively known as Family Jewels) is a 2010 American comedy film directed by Chris D'Arienzo; it is based on the novel Life is a Strange Place by Frank Turner Hollon. The film stars Patrick Wilson as the titular character, as well as Judy Greer, Malcolm McDowell, Chloë Sevigny, Cybill Shepherd, Billy Dee Williams, Emily Procter, Colin Hanks, Jean Smart, Mae Whitman, and Kyle Gass. It premiered at the South by Southwest Film Festival in March 2010. The film was released on October 1, 2010.Synopsis
Barry Munday (Patrick Wilson), a lonely womanizer, wakes up after being attacked to realize that he's missing his "family jewels". To make matters worse, he learns he's facing a paternity lawsuit filed by a woman, Ginger (Judy Greer), he can't remember having sex with. Though unintentional, the two discover that their meeting and subsequent "accidents" opened up new opportunities for personal growth and relationships.