Best in Show is a 2000 American mockumentary comedy film written and directed by Christopher Guest. The film follows five entrants in a prestigious dog show and focuses on the slightly surreal interactions among the various owners and handlers as they travel to the show and compete, and after the show, as well as how the personalities and characteristics of the owners match those of their dogs. Much of the dialogue was improvised. Many of the actors were also involved in Guest's films including This Is Spinal Tap, Waiting for Guffman, A Mighty Wind, and For Your Consideration.Synopsis
Best in Show is presented as a documentary of five dogs and their owners destined to show in the Mayflower Kennel Club Dog Show, held in Philadelphia. The documentary jumps among owners as they prepare to leave for the show, arrive at the hotel, and prepare backstage before their dog takes the show, as well as post-show. The owners and their dogs include: