Blue Swallow is a 2005 South Korean film based on the true story of Park Kyung-won, an early Korean female pilot. The film became controversial when Park's alleged pro-Japanese activities came to light. It was also found that she was not, as the filmmakers had thought, the first female pilot from Korea; this distinction in fact belonged to Kwon Ki-ok of the Republic of China Air Force. Despite excellent reviews and Park's biographer pointing out factual errors in these accusations, it resulted in the under-performance of Blue Swallow at the box office.Synopsis
L'histoire de Park Kyung-won, figure historique controversée des années d'annexation de la Corée au Japon. Cette jeune femme qui, toute petite déjà, rêvait de voler et s'opposait à ses parents pour affirmer son désir d'éducation, parvient dans les années 20 à rejoindre les rangs d'une prestigieuse école d'aviation nippone, où elle devient non seulement la première femme coréenne pilote, mais la plus brillante des aviatrices du Japon...