C Me Dance is a 2009 Christian film, written and directed by Greg Robbins. It was produced by Uplifting Entertainment, distributed by Freestyle Releasing, and was released on April 3, 2009. It has been endorsed by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and The Dove Foundation. It has had songs written by Lincoln Brewster, Eowyn, Stephanie Fraschetti and Terri Shamar.Synopsis
The story centers around a teenage girl named Sheri, whose desire is to join the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre. At 17, fulfilling her dream, she discovers she has a rare blood disease. Sheri rebels against her father and God, causing her father to seek to keep his daughter close to God, to soften her heart, and to live out her dream before dying, all while he anguishes over losing his daughter so young. While praying to God to ask for strength and clear direction for her remaining days, God blesses Sheri so she is able to bring people to Christ.