Humanity's End is a 2009 American fantasy science fiction film directed by Neil Johnson. Based upon a story concept by Johnson, and with a screenplay by Johnson and Michael Jonathan Smith, the film stars Jay Laisne, Rochelle Vallese and Cynthia Ickes.Synopsis
Several hundred years into the future, mankind has been relegated to the position of a minority species being replaced by a clone-race called "Homo technis" or "Konstrukts" which is itself being supplanted by the genetically engineered race "Homo superior". The Homo superior have enhanced themselves with DNA from a race of hostile extraterrestrials called Nephilim who are known for their superior military skills, to wipe out all the Homo sapiens and Homo technis "lesser" races from the galaxy. In order to save the "lower" races, Homo technis develops a genus of sapiens called "breeders", with an ability to bring multiple births to term quickly.