Cannibal Attack (1954) is the fourteenth Jungle Jim film produced by Columbia Pictures. The film features Johnny Weissmuller in his inaugural performance as the protagonist adventurer Johnny Weissmuller. It was directed by Lee Sholem and written by Carroll Young.
The film follows the character Weissmuller battling cannibal looters trying to steal shipments of cobalt. It was theatrically released in North American cinemas in November 1954.Synopsis
Jungle roamer Johnny Weissmuller (Johnny Weissmuller) is exploring the African waters of Magi somewhere in mid-Cannibal Valley. While doing so, he stumbles upon a corpse apparently killed by a crocodile. Weissmuller decides to report the death to John King, leader of the white colony in the Magi. King is in charge of mining cobalt for the government, and confides to Weissmuller that recently a few shipments were stolen by looters passing off as crocodiles.