Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen is a 2004 American teen musical comedy film directed by Sara Sugarman and produced by Robert Shapiro and Matthew Hart for Walt Disney Pictures. It stars Lindsay Lohan as an aspiring teenage actress whose family moves from New York City to New Jersey, Adam Garcia as her favorite rock musician, Glenne Headly as her mother, and Alison Pill as her best friend. The screenplay was written by Gail Parent and is based on the novel of the same name by Dyan Sheldon.
It was released in late February 2004 to negative feedback from critics, and reached number two in the United States box office behind Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore's 50 First Dates. It was released July 20, 2004 on VHS and DVD.Synopsis
Mary Elizabeth "Lola" Steppe (Lindsay Lohan) is a 15-year-old girl who grew up in New York City and wants desperately to be a famous Broadway actress. Lola narrates the story. Much to her annoyance, she moves with her family to the suburbs of Dellwood, New Jersey, but she confidently tells the audience, "A legend is about to be born. That legend would be me."