Crazy Desire (originally titled as La voglia matta, also known as The Crazy Urge) is a 1962 Italian comedy film directed by Luciano Salce. It launched the film career of Catherine Spaak. The film was initially banned by the Italian censors and then cut in some parts before being released with a ban for persons under 14 years.Synopsis
Antonio Berlinghieri (Ugo Tognazzi) is a 39-year-old engineer who one summer is travelling on a highway in his sports car when he finds a broken-down car with a group of teenagers. He stops to try to help them but soon discovers that the young men have a frivolous attitude. First he thinks of leaving to continue his trip but then notices the beauty of Francesca (Catherine Spaak), a girl half his age, and decides to remain with the group even if the different ages causes some troubles.