Dard (Pain) is a 1947 Bollywood drama film directed by Abdul Rashid Kardar. The film was produced by Kardar Productions. It was a surprise "musical hit" at the box-office as it had an ordinary (for then) star cast. Suraiya played the second lead, with Munawwar Sultana as the main heroine. The film was Suraiya's first "big hit", becoming a popular singing star following the success of the film. The hero of the film was Kardar's brother Nusrat (Kardar), who shifted to Pakistan following Partition in 1947, where he acted in a few films.
The music director was Naushad who composed the "hit" songs for the film, which continue to remain popular. The lyricist was Shakeel Badayuni, an "accomplished Urdu poet" who had arrived in Mumbai in 1946, to write songs for Hindi films. He was signed by Naushad and Kardar to write the lyrics for Dard. His "Afsana Likh Rahi Hoon" (I Am Writing A Tale) sung by Uma Devi went on to become successful as did the other songs from the film.
Dard was a Muslim social romantic melodrama which involved a love triangle in the form of two girls, Munnawwar Sultana and Suraiya, both in love with a doctor played by Nusrat.Synopsis
Nawab Sahib (Badri Prasad) lives with his wife, the Begum (Pratima Devi) and their young daughter Suraiya (Munawwar Sultana). While attending a function at an orphanage, he becomes impressed by a student, Iqbal (Nusrat) and brings him home. After some initial friction Suraiya and the boy become friends. Iqbal grows up to become a doctor while Suraiya falls in love with him. She gifts him a big diamond ring. A friend (Husn Banu) of Suraiya's takes great pleasure in teasing the two, which Suraiya doesn't mind but is frowned upon by Iqbal.