Dark River is a 1990 British film, featuring Tom Bell, Siân Phillips, Kate Buffery, Ian McNeice and Tony Haygarth, among others. Dark River was an official selection at the 1990 Montreal Film Festival and the Ghent Film Festival of the same year.Synopsis
On the banks of a river flowing through the lowlands of Africa, the British have set up a colony without the constraints of European civilization. Into this tight-knit community a stranger (Deacon) strays, refusing to abide by its self-serving code. He is immediately set at odds with the locals: a businessman (K B Priestley) who employs his authority in the community to disguise his personal weaknesses, his daughter (Lydia) who uses the men in the community as rungs in her climb out of provincialism; a sour, manipulative club barman (Yorkie); a widow and cocoa heiress (Mrs Blessington) who plays puppet-master from a distance; hero of the bars (Oliver) with his dubious investment schemes, sardonic gossip columnist Jane Audeby, and club waiter Elias who becomes his most candid counsellor.