Destiny's Son (斬る, Kiru) is a 1962 Japanese chambara film directed by Kenji Misumi starring Raizo Ichikawa and written by Kaneto Shindo, released by Daiei Film. The film is based on one of the novels in the series of Nemuri Kyoshirō, written by Renzaburo Shibata.Synopsis
The film opens with Shiho Fujimura as a female assassin, seeking to kill her lord's mistress for what she sees as the good of her clan. She succeeds, but is punished for her act, sentenced to death, but it is her husband (Shigeru Amachi) who executes her. Attempting to deal with the guilt of his action, he becomes a monk and sends his son to be fostered by another family. The rest of the film follows the young boy as he grows to become a skilled swordsman (Raizo Ichikawa).