Detective Conan: The Private Eyes' Requiem (名探偵コナン 探偵たちの鎮魂歌(レクイエム), Meitantei Konan: Tantei Tachi no Rekuiemu) is a 2006 Japanese animated feature film and the tenth entry in the Detective Conan film series released on April 15, 2006. It earned 3.03 billion yen in the box office.Synopsis
Conan, Kogoro, Ran, Ayumi, Genta, Mitsuhiko and Haibara are invited to visit a client in a hotel beside a theme park called Miracle Land. Ran and the kids leave after being given free theme park wristbands, while Conan and Kogoro are forced by the client to solve a mystery to remove the wrist watches, which are set to detonate. The client also reveals that the wristbands given to Ran and company are set to detonate should they leave the premises. The mystery man reveals that two other detectives gave up, one killed, while one is still working.