Lupin the 3rd vs. Detective Conan: The Movie (ルパン三世VS名探偵コナン The Movie, Rupan Sansei Bāsasu Meitantei Konan The Movie) is a Japanese anime film released on December 7, 2013. It is the second crossover between the series Lupin III and Case Closed and takes place after the television special Lupin the 3rd vs Detective Conan, additionally incorporating various elements from its predecessor in its plot. The plot follows Conan Edogawa who sets out to apprehend Arsène Lupin III, the suspect of stealing a jewel called Cherry Sapphire. The film was revealed in Shogakukan's Weekly Shōnen Sunday, issue 21-22 of 2013. It was nominated for the Japan Academy Prize for Animation of the Year.Synopsis
The story begins with another daring theft committed by Kaito Kid, with a fabulous diamond as his target - only that Kaito is in this case merely a spectator from the sidelines. Other discrepancies in this case include Kid using a real gun and a high-powered boat, instead of his standard hang glider cape, to make his getaway. Conan Edogawa takes up pursuit, but is foiled by a shadowy figure using a sword to slice his skateboard in two; only then does he realize the true identity of the culprit: Arsène Lupin III.