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Don't Promise Me Anything is a film of genre Comedy directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner released in USA on 12 november 1937 with Luise Ullrich

Don't Promise Me Anything (1937)

Don't Promise Me Anything
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Released in USA 12 november 1937
Length 1h44
Genres Comedy
Rating65% 3.2943053.2943053.2943053.2943053.294305

Don't Promise Me Anything (German:Versprich mir nichts!) is a 1937 German comedy film directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner and starring Luise Ullrich, Viktor de Kowa and Heinrich George. A perfectionist but talented artist is reluctant to sell his paintings, but because they need the money his wife sells them without his knowledge and claims to be the artist herself. However, when she is commissioned to paint a mural she turns to her husband for help.


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