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Doomed (1951)

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Carcerato is a 1951 Italian drama film directed by Armando Zorri.


Otello Toso

Renato Baldini

Barbara Florian

Franca Marzi

(Valeria, matrigna di Luisa)
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Toto the Third Man, 1h35
Directed by Mario Mattoli
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Totò, Franca Marzi, Elli Parvo, Carlo Campanini, Aroldo Tieri, Alberto Sorrentino
Rating65% 3.2956053.2956053.2956053.2956053.295605
In a small village Peter and Paul (both starring Toto), twin brothers of opposite characters, Peter, mayor of the town, is gruff, precise, picky all of a piece and never lets talk about his wife (Bice Valori), is totally different from his brother Paul, who loves the good life and beautiful women, such as the innkeeper's wife Oreste (Carlo Campanini) at the expense of his wife. The dispute between the two brothers is affecting the whole country, because the construction of the new prison, which will give bread and work for all, will be built on land owned by Paul and despite already there is a municipal resolution acquisition of land by part of the town, Peter refuses to carry out the transaction with his brother, blocking the start of work, because they are afraid you might think that makes favoritism to his brother. A groped to take advantage of the situation will try Anacleto (Aroldo Tieri), the tailor of the country, more good to baste clothes that fraud, that he met in jail Toto, the third secret twin brother of Peter and Paul, and once released from jail instructed him to go to Peter's house, pretending to be the latter and give the money owed to Paul for the sale of the land.