East of Hope Street is a 1998 award-winning film drama directed and produced by Nate Thomas. It was executive produced by Tim Russ (best known for his role as Lieutenant Commander Tuvok on the Star Trek: Voyager television series) who also stars in the film. East of Hope Street had a limited release in theaters beginning on November 5, 1999 by The Cinema Guild. It had a home video street date on September 21, 2004. The gritty, urban, fact-based story is loosely based on director Nate Thomas's 10 years of experience working as a counselor in a group home for pregnant teens in Los Angeles. Russ plays a role autobiographical of Thomas. The film has been called "timely and provocative" by the Los Angeles Daily News, "an emotional and powerful film" by KCOP-TV, "stark and unflinching" by Back Stage, and "a testament to the human spirit" by The Austin Chronicle.Synopsis
East of Hope Street tells the real-life coming of age story of Alicia Montalvo, a teenage Salvadoran refugee caught up in the labyrinthine Los Angeles child protection system. Alicia struggles to survive the abuses of home, the inner city, and an overburdened social system in a Los Angeles most people never see.