Eminent Domain is a film released in 1990. It stars Donald Sutherland and Anne Archer and is directed by John Irvin.
The film is based on the true story of a senior member of the Polish Politburo (played by Donald Sutherland) and his wife (played by Anne Archer) who both become banished from their own business. While they both struggle to figure out why, things start to take a turn when the wife is sent to a mental asylum and their 15-year-old daughter is kidnapped.Synopsis
1979, en Pologne. Josef Borski, haut fonctionnaire, est un homme comblé. Son zèle et son opportunisme auprès de ses supérieurs lui valent de posséder un confortable appartement et toutes sortes de privilèges. Un jour, pourtant, son univers s'effondre, sans qu'il en connaisse la raison. Alors qu'il allait accéder à de plus hautes fonctions, il est soudain exclu du Politburo...