Forbidden World, originally titled Mutant, is a 1982 American cult classic science fiction/horror film. The screenplay was written by Tim Curnen, from a screenstory by R.J. Robertson and Jim Wynorski. It was co-edited and directed by Allan Holzman, who had edited Battle Beyond the Stars two years earlier. The cast includes Jesse Vint, Dawn Dunlap, June Chadwick, Linden Chiles, Fox Harris, Raymond Oliver, Scott Paulin, Michael Bowen, and Don Olivera.
The film received three nominations for the 1983 Saturn Awards: Best Low Budget Film, Best Make-up and Best Special Effects. It was generally panned by critics as a cheap, exploitive imitation of the movie Alien, with sex, nudity, uneven editing, cheap special effects, and an audio track that some found unpleasant. It has, however, attained a certain cult status among fans of grungy, cheap, sleazy science fiction. It is frequently paired with and compared to the previous year's Corman-produced Alien rip-off Galaxy of Terror, with which Forbidden World shares some of the same sets (designed by James Cameron). The movie also makes use of footage recycled from the 1980 movie Battle Beyond the Stars, which was also produced by Corman. It is notable for its gruesome violence, oddball electronica music score by Susan Justin (available in full as a DVD-ROM feature on the German release of the film), odd, choppy editing and a scene in which the two female leads take a shower together.
Forbidden World has also been released under the titles Mutant and Subject 20.Synopsis
Dans le futur, des scientifiques basés dans un laboratoire situé sur la désertique et inhospitalière planète Xarbia, ont réussi à créer une forme de vie, appelée "Subject 20", en opérant des croisements entre des cellules humaines et des bactéries, et qui devrait permettre de lutter contre une famine qui frappe actuellement la galaxie. Mais une fois que cette créature est sortie de son cocon, elle se met à tuer le personnel du laboratoire…