French Kiss is a 1995 American romantic comedy film directed by Lawrence Kasdan and starring Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline. Written by Adam Brooks, the film is about a woman who flies to France to confront her straying fiancé and gets into trouble when the charming crook seated next to her uses her to smuggle a stolen diamond necklace. French Kiss was filmed on location in Paris and Cannes, France.Synopsis
Kate (Ryan) is a fastidious and wholesome history teacher living in Canada with her fiancé, Charlie (Hutton), a doctor. While waiting for her Canadian citizenship to come through, Kate has been busy planning their wedding and the purchase of their first house, complete with a white picket fence. He urges her to accompany him to Paris for an upcoming business trip, but she declines due to her fear of flying and her general intolerance for cheese, secondhand smoke, and the French.