Good Riddance (French: Les Bons débarras) is a 1979 French-language Canadian drama film. Directed by Francis Mankiewicz and written by Réjean Ducharme, the film concerns Manon (Charlotte Laurier), an unstable young girl who lives with her mother Michelle (Marie Tifo) and her alcoholic uncle Ti-Guy (Germain Houde).Synopsis
Manon is a precocious 13-year-old girl living with her mother Michelle and intellectually challenged uncle Ti-Guy in Quebec. Manon wants to quit school and obtain the true love of her mother, who she accuses of not loving her. Michelle is pregnant with the child of Maurice, a police officer who tries to convince her to give up caring for Ti-Guy. Manon strongly dislikes Ti-Guy for his misbehavior and Maurice for being a cop, and when Michelle tells Manon of her pregnancy, Manon becomes upset.