Graveyard Shift (also titled Central Park Drifter) is a 1987 Canadian horror film written and directed by Jerry Ciccoritti, and starring Michael A. Miranda (billed as Silvio Oliviero) and Helen Papas. The film was originally entitled Graveyard Shift but when the film was released to video, the title was changed to Central Park Drifter (IMDB info).Synopsis
The night brings out the romance in people, especially the handsome airport shopkeep Martin Hussey. He is a lonely young man, and working the night shift brings an array of sultry sensuous passengers within Martin's grasp. Embracing those ready to find love, Martin controls an erratic but well-balanced lifestyle. Then unexpectedly, he discovers erotic human passion—unleashing a raging, terrorizing evil. When several innocent citizens are senselessly slaughtered, the police must solve a 23-year-old mystery of unbridled passion.