Hammer of the Gods is a 2013 British action film directed by Farren Blackburn and released on 5 July 2013. In it, a dying Viking king sends his son on a quest to seek out his older brother, the clan's only hope for defeating an approaching enemy horde.Synopsis
Britain 871 AD. Young Viking prince Steinar arrives in England with a complement of 500 reserve warriors to combat a Saxon uprising that is crushing the occupying forces led by his father, King Bagsecg. Arriving at his father's camp, Steiner attends a family meeting with his father, his older brother Harold, and their younger half brother Vali, who is disliked by everyone but Steinar for being half Saxon. Absent is Steinar and Harold's older brother Hakan, who has not been seen for over a decade due to a bitter falling out between him and their father, the cause unknown to Steinar.