Haraamkhor (English: The Wretched) is an upcoming 2015 Indian Hindi film directed by Shlok Sharma. The film is co-produced by Shlok Sharma, Vishakha Singh, Guneet Monga and AKFPL. The film stars Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Shweta Tripathi. The First look of Haramkhor was out on 8 March 2015. Jasleen Royal is the music composer of the film. The film is a love story that revolves around a delicate relationship between a school teacher in a small Gujarati town and his teenage female student. The film was shot in 16 days only. In April 2015, a FIR was registered against director Shlok Sharma on a complaint by Balbharati, Maharashtra’s textbook bureau, objecting to striking similarities between its logo and promotion scenes from Haraamkhor. Haraamkhor was premiered in 15th annual New York Indian Film Festival (NYIFF) and Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles (IFFLA). Nawazuddin Siddiqui received the Best Actor award for the film at the New York Indian Film Festival.Synopsis
The story is about Shyam (Nawazuddin Siddiqui), and complications around his extramarital affair with his young student, Sandhya (Shweta Tripathi). This relationship is set against the foil of Sandhya’s classmates- Mintu (Mohd Samad) and Kamal’s (Irfan Khan) friendship. Kamal is in love with Sandhya.