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Harvest is a film of genre Drama directed by Géza von Bolváry released in USA on 22 december 1939 with Paula Wessely

Harvest (1936)

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Released in USA 22 december 1939
Length 1h29
Directed by
Genres Drama,    Romance
Rating64% 3.2402053.2402053.2402053.2402053.240205

Harvest (German: Ernte) is a 1936 Austrian romance film directed by Géza von Bolváry and starring Paula Wessely, Attila Hörbiger and Artúr Somlay. It is also known by the alternative title Die Julika.


Paula Wessely

Attila Hörbiger

(Rittmeister Karl von Tamassy)
Gina Falckenberg

(Grit von Hellmers)
Karl Ehmann

Gisa Wurm

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