Heart of the Storm is a 2004 television film starring Melissa Gilbert and Thomas Cavanagh. It focuses on a prison break that occurs during a hurricane. Three convicts named Juke, Tad and their leader Simpson, seek refuge in a family's small house and decide to hold them captive. The family begins to get along with the escaped prisoners until Tad and Simpson get into a fight. Simpson ends up shooting Tad, incapacitating him. When the father of the family comes home, he is also shot by Simpson. Juke tries to help the family escape Simpson's treachery, only to be wounded by a gunshot as well. The group decides to ignite hairspray with fire in an attempt to kill Simpson. Simpson survies the attack but has his face severely injured in the process, resulting in him tumbling over a staircase balcony to his death.Synopsis
Alors que La Nouvelle-Orléans est menacée par un ouragan, trois criminels violents s'évadent de prison. Leur plan pour quitter la ville est mis à mal par la tempête et les inondations. Les trois hommes trouvent alors refuge dans une maison isolée, habitée par Cassie Broadbeck et ses deux filles. Cassie vient de quitter Wayne, son mari, et s'apprête à déménager à Chicago. Piégée dans sa maison par l'ouragan et les intrus, la jeune femme tente de protéger ses enfants. De son côté, Wayne, qui est à la tête des pompiers de la ville, s'inquiète pour sa famille...