Her Hidden Truth is a thriller/drama television film starring Kellie Martin, Antonio Sabato Jr. and Ken Howard. It was directed by Dan Lerner and written by Pamela K. Long, who was also one of the film's producers. The film first aired on November 12, 1995 on the National Broadcasting Company Network.
^ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113294/Synopsis
Young teenager Billie Calhoun is wrongly accused of setting a deadly arson fire that killed her mother and sister. After years in a juvenile detention center, she requests an early release around the age of 18, but it is denied. During the journey back to the center, she escapes the prison van to find the real killer of her mother and sister. Out on her own, she disguises herself and befriends a young cop named Matt Samoni, and together they set out to uncover the truth.