Highlander: The Search for Vengeance is an animated film and an anime installment of the cult Highlander franchise. The film was directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri (Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust) and was written by David Abramowitz, also the writer for Highlander: The Series, Highlander: The Raven and Highlander: The Source. The film was a joint venture between Imagi Animation Studios and Madhouse Studio, with Imagi providing the script and the soundtrack, while Madhouse produced the animation. It was produced in association with Davis-Panzer Productions and distributed by Manga Entertainment on June 5, 2007. It aired July 30, 2007 on the Sci Fi Channel's Ani-Monday block.Synopsis
The story centers on characters who are immortal.
The lead character, Colin MacLeod, became an Immortal after his first death in 125 AD in Roman Britain, when his village was attacked by the conquering Romans. Another Immortal, Marcus Octavius, was leading the Roman Empire's military forces in hopes of creating his dream of a utopian society. Octavius killed Colin's wife, but was not able to kill Colin whose unconscious body was dragged by a horse to within Stonehenge, a "holy ground" in the story, where Immortals are forbidden to fight.