Hostel: Part III is a 2011 American horror film directed by Scott Spiegel and the third installment of the Hostel film series. It was written by Michael D. Weiss, This is the first film in the series to be neither written nor directed by Eli Roth and the first not to have a theatrical release. Also, this movie redirects the base of the Elite Hunting Club from Slovakia to Vegas.
The plot centers around four men attending a bachelor party in Las Vegas. While there, they are enticed by two sexy prostitutes to join them at a private party way off the Strip. Once there, they are horrified to find themselves the subjects of a perverse game of torture, where members of the Elite Hunting Club are hosting the most sadistic show in town. It was released direct-to-DVD on December 27, 2011.Synopsis
The film starts with a young man, named Travis, going into a hotel room where a Ukrainian couple, Victor and Anka, are currently staying. Anka and Victor fall unconscious after being drugged by the beer Travis gave them. It is then revealed that Travis is a member of the Elite Hunting Club. Victor later wakes up in a cell in an abandoned building, and watches as two guards drag Anka out of her cell.