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Solveig Dommartin is a Actor, Idea and Editor French born on 16 may 1961 at Paris (France)

Solveig Dommartin

Solveig Dommartin
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Nationality France
Birth 16 may 1961 at Paris (France)
Death 11 january 2007 (at 45 years) at Paris (France)

Solveig Dommartin (16 May 1961 – 11 January 2007) was a French-German actress.

Her acting career began in the theatre with "Compagnie Timothee Laine" and with the "Theater Labor Warschau". She had her first experiences with film as an assistant of Jacques Rozier.

Her debut as a film actress was Wings of Desire (1987) under Wim Wenders. She was able to learn the challenging circus acrobatics in only eight weeks, and performed the full role without using a stunt double. She co-authored Until the End of the World (1991) with Wenders and travelled around the world with him in search of locations for the project.

Wim Wenders said about Until the End of the World:
"Solveig Dommartin and I had written the story of our film together, and we thought that we only had the right to enter into such a sacred area like a person's dreams, if we would bring something into the work that was sacred to ourselves".

Dommartin died of a heart attack in Paris in 2007 at the age of 45. She was survived by her daughter, Venus.


Lorraine d'origine, mais née en Algérie à Constantine du fait des voyages d'un père ingénieur en travaux publics, Solveig, Danielle, Jeanne Dommartin fait ses études à Nancy.

Elle est figurante dans des films tournés dans la région avant de s'inscrire en 1979 à l'université de Vincennes à Paris, en option théâtre. Un jeune metteur en scène, Timothée Laine, lui permet de faire ses classes et d'intégrer le laboratoire de Wrocław Grotowski (Theater Labor Warschau). Sur les planches parisiennes, elle joue dans une pièce de Sénèque et une autre de Bergman, Peintures sur bois. Solveig Dommartin tourne pour la première fois en 1983 dans le court-métrage, Lettre de la Sierra Morena, de Jacques Rozier, aux côtés de Fabrice Luchini et Maurice Risch.

C'est le réalisateur allemand Wim Wenders, dont elle fut la compagne, qui lui donne dans Les Ailes du désir, en 1987, le rôle de la trapéziste Marion, qui la fait connaître du grand public. Pour sa prestation, elle apprend le trapèze acrobatique en six semaines et tourne sans doublure. Toujours avec W. Wenders, elle tourne en 1991 Jusqu'au bout du monde dont elle écrit avec lui le scénario, puis la suite des Ailes du Désir, Si loin, si proche !, en 1993.

En 1997, elle réalise Il suffirait d'un pont, un court-métrage de 20 minutes, autour du quartier Saint-Martin à Paris.

Vie personnelle et décès
Le 24 février 1999, elle donne naissance à une fille prénommée Vénus, qu'elle a eue avec Dominique Antraygues.

Morte à 45 ans d'une crise cardiaque, Solveig Dommartin est inhumée à Bulgnéville (Vosges) où elle a passé une grande partie de son enfance.

Véronique Cayla, directrice générale du CNC, a salué « l'actrice magique qui illuminait l'écran et qui éblouissait chacun d'entre nous. » Lors de la 14e édition du Festival international du film de Nancy, il a été décidé de lui rendre un hommage exceptionnel en lui consacrant la soirée d'ouverture.

Best films

Wings of Desire (1987)

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Solveig Dommartin (8 films)

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I Can't Sleep, 1h50
Directed by Claire Denis
Origin France
Genres Drama, Thriller, Crime, Romance
Themes Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Transgender in film, Serial killer films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Katerina Golubeva, Richard Courcet, Alex Descas, Manuela Gourary, Laurent Grévill, Line Renaud
Roles Young Blonde Woman
Rating68% 3.443123.443123.443123.443123.44312
Daiga (Yekaterina Golubeva), a woman from Lithuania immigrates to Paris with little money hoping to secure herself a job as a dancer. When her plans fall through she begins work as a maid in the hotel of a friend of her great-aunt's.
Faraway, So Close!, 2h24
Directed by Wim Wenders
Origin German
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Fantasy, Historical, Romance
Themes Films about religion, Films about angels
Actors Otto Sander, Bruno Ganz, Heinz Rühmann, Peter Falk, Nastassja Kinski, Willem Dafoe
Roles Marion
Rating71% 3.5964453.5964453.5964453.5964453.596445
Cassiel and Raphaella, two angels, observe the busy life of reunited Berlin. Due to their divine origin, they can hear the thoughts of the people around them, and try to console a dying man. Cassiel has been following his friend Damiel (a former angel), who senses his presence and talks about his experiences as a human. He owns a pizza parlor named Casa dell'angelo (Angel's House) and has married Marion, a trapeze artist whom he met when an angel. She works in a local bar in West Berlin, and the two have a young daughter, Doria.
Until the End of the World, 2h38
Directed by Wim Wenders
Origin France
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Action, Adventure, Romance
Themes Films about computing, Seafaring films, Post-apocalyptic films, Films about religion, Transport films, Films set in the future, Political films, Road movies, Cyberpunk films, Dystopian films, Disaster films
Actors Solveig Dommartin, William Hurt, Sam Neill, Tom Waits, Max von Sydow, Chick Ortega
Roles Claire Tourneur
Rating67% 3.3995053.3995053.3995053.3995053.399505
The film takes place in late 1999. India has an out-of-control nuclear satellite in orbit that is about to re-enter the atmosphere at any time, contaminating large areas of the Earth. This has caused a massive panic, with everyone trying to flee the likely impact sites. Caught in a traffic jam, impatient and disconnected Claire Tourneur (Solveig Dommartin) escapes the highway congestion by taking a side road. Her dashboard computer system announces she has left the map zone database and is on her own. She then has a couple of odd encounters, first with a pair of bank robbers (which leaves her with a large amount of cash), then with a hitchhiker being pursued by an armed party. Claire discovers, after falling in love with the enigmatic fugitive, that he is the son of a scientist (played by Max von Sydow), and has absconded with the prototype of a secret research project. Multiple government agencies and freelance bounty hunters are chasing him to recover the device.
No Fear, No Die, 1h30
Directed by Claire Denis
Origin France
Genres Drama
Actors Isaac de Bankolé, Alex Descas, Solveig Dommartin, Christopher Buchholz, Jean-Claude Brialy
Roles Toni
Rating66% 3.338363.338363.338363.338363.33836
Two young men, Dah (Isaach De Bankolé) from Benin and Jocelyn (Alex Descas) from the Caribbean decide to work together as a team that organizes illegal cockfights in order to gain quick cash. Dah is responsible for the financial transactions while Jocelyn trains the animals. Jocelyn has a special attachment to one of the champion roosters he has named No Fear, No Die. No Fear, No Die, like all roosters, is eventually defeated causing Jocelyn to begin to lose interest in cockfighting.
I Have You Under My Skin, 1h58
Directed by Jean-Pierre Thorn
Origin France
Genres Drama
Actors Henri Serre, Solveig Dommartin, Emmanuelle Chaulet, Philippe Clévenot, Pierre Ascaride, Catherine Hosmalin
Roles Jeanne
Rating61% 3.0524053.0524053.0524053.0524053.052405
Inspiré d'une histoire réelle, celle de Georgette Vacher, le film raconte la vie de Jeanne, religieuse et maîtresse d'un prêtre-ouvrier, leader syndicaliste et féministe. Il s’achève en 1981, lors de l’élection de François Mitterrand à la présidence de la république.
Wings of Desire, 2h8
Directed by Wim Wenders
Origin German
Genres Drama, Fantastic, Fantasy, Romance
Themes Circus films, Films about religion, Films about angels, Political films, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Bruno Ganz, Solveig Dommartin, Otto Sander, Curt Bois, Peter Falk, Nick Cave
Roles Marion
Rating78% 3.948713.948713.948713.948713.94871
Set in contemporary West Berlin (at the time still enclosed by the Berlin Wall), Wings of Desire follows two angels, Damiel and Cassiel, as they roam the city, unseen and unheard by its human inhabitants, observing and listening to the diverse thoughts of Berliners: a pregnant woman in an ambulance on the way to the hospital, a painter struggling to find inspiration, a broken man who thinks his girlfriend no longer loves him. Their raison d'être is, as Cassiel says, to "assemble, testify, preserve" reality. In addition to the story of two angels, the film is also a meditation on Berlin's past, present, and future. Damiel and Cassiel have always existed as angels; they existed in Berlin before it was a city, and before there were even any humans.


Until the End of the World, 2h38
Directed by Wim Wenders
Origin France
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Action, Adventure, Romance
Themes Films about computing, Seafaring films, Post-apocalyptic films, Films about religion, Transport films, Films set in the future, Political films, Road movies, Cyberpunk films, Dystopian films, Disaster films
Actors Solveig Dommartin, William Hurt, Sam Neill, Tom Waits, Max von Sydow, Chick Ortega
Roles Writer
Rating67% 3.3995053.3995053.3995053.3995053.399505
The film takes place in late 1999. India has an out-of-control nuclear satellite in orbit that is about to re-enter the atmosphere at any time, contaminating large areas of the Earth. This has caused a massive panic, with everyone trying to flee the likely impact sites. Caught in a traffic jam, impatient and disconnected Claire Tourneur (Solveig Dommartin) escapes the highway congestion by taking a side road. Her dashboard computer system announces she has left the map zone database and is on her own. She then has a couple of odd encounters, first with a pair of bank robbers (which leaves her with a large amount of cash), then with a hitchhiker being pursued by an armed party. Claire discovers, after falling in love with the enigmatic fugitive, that he is the son of a scientist (played by Max von Sydow), and has absconded with the prototype of a secret research project. Multiple government agencies and freelance bounty hunters are chasing him to recover the device.


Tokyo-Ga (1985)
, 1h32
Directed by Wim Wenders
Origin German
Genres Documentary
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films, Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the film industry, Documentaire sur une personnalité
Actors Wim Wenders, Chishū Ryū, Werner Herzog, Yūharu Atsuta, Chris Marker
Roles Editor
Rating72% 3.642573.642573.642573.642573.64257
Le documentaire, tourné à Tokyo dans sa totalité, explore le monde du réalisateur japonais Yasujirō Ozu.