Hush is a British horror/thriller film about a young couple on a motorway journey who are drawn into a game of cat and mouse with a truck driver following a near accident. The film is directed by former BBC Radio 1 DJ, Mark Tonderai, and stars William Ash and Christine Bottomley. The film was produced by Warp X, UK Film Council and Film4 who supplied the funding for the film. The film was distributed by Optimum Releasing.Synopsis
En pleine campagne, un jeune couple, Zakes et Beth, roule la nuit sur l'autoroute. Un semiremorque manque de les percuter en les doublant. Alors que les portes arrière s'entrouvrent brièvement, Zakes aperçoit une jeune femme terrifiée, hurlant à l'intérieur d'une cage. Le camion disparaît rapidement de leur vue. Seuls témoins, ils se lancent à sa poursuite...