In the Cool of the Day (1963) is an American film released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in Metrocolor and Panavision. The film is a romantic drama film directed by Robert Stevens and starring Peter Finch, Jane Fonda, Angela Lansbury, Arthur Hill, Nigel Davenport, and John Le Mesurier.Synopsis
Christine Bonner (Fonda) is a beautiful young American woman with chronic health problems. She has been separated from her adoring but overly protective husband Sam (Hill), but agrees to return to him. She meets an English friend of Sam's, Murray Logan (Finch), who shares her great interest in Greece. Logan also is unhappily married because his wife, Sybil (Lansbury), blames him for an automobile accident that scarred her and killed their son. Christine and Murray meet again in England and their attraction grows.